An excellent watter for sore eyes | ||||
Take of the iuce* of Sallandine** the iuce of Haye- | ||||
maid otherwise called halhouse or ground Ivie* | ||||
and the iuce of dayses* leaves of each of these | ||||
iuces a quarter of a pint when it is strained | ||||
from the herbs being pounded first and a peny | ||||
worth of sugger and halfe a pint of white rosse | ||||
water then put in the iuyces* |
the sugger being finly powdered in to a glase* all- | ||||
to gether and shake them in the glase and keep | ||||
it close stoped and when you us it you must | ||||
pore out a little and drope it into the sore eye | ||||
Mother Johnsons receite for any | ||||
Itching umer* or for Leprosy or | ||||
such like diseases | ||||
Take a pound of butter, a little Lemon pill*, halfe |
a handfull of houselicke* and a little sage, halfe | ||||
a handfull of hendonge*, |
allom* as a wallnut in bignesse you may beat | ||||
it small, a spoonfull of flower of brimstone*, a | ||||
sponfull of ginger small beaten, put all these | ||||
things into a posnet* with the butter and lett | ||||
them boyle together till halfe the butter be | ||||
consumed then straine it through a cloth | ||||
into a pinte of tare* and so lett it simper** on houre | ||||
on a soft fier stiring it in the boyling before the | ||||
straining and after till it be allmost coold | ||||
when you us it, you must take some of it and | ||||
anoynt the place well with it by the fier and | ||||
chainge not your linine* next you in a fortnight | ||||
at sonnest* and after you are well you must | ||||
inoynt* your selfe a fortnight at least, keep it | ||||
close covered | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by CTW and JMCN