.fo. 133. | ||||
A salve very rare for any sore | ||||
or hott swellinge | ||||
Take a pound of read lead very finely beatten to | ||||
powder and a pint and a halfe of very good sallet | ||||
oyle mingle and stire them very well together before | ||||
you sett it one the fire, then set it one a saft fier* in | ||||
a skillet or a panne for the purpose which is twise soe | ||||
bige as the quantity of the stufe therein contained | ||||
for that it will rise then let it heate softly untill such | ||||
time as it doth begine to simper* and then take it | ||||
of, and be very sure you doe allwayes stire it both | ||||
on the fire and of* the fire for otherewayes** it will | ||||
burne low and be worth nothing, then try whe- | ||||
ther it be good or have his full body,take a rage* or | ||||
a cloth and put into it and when it doth waxe a | ||||
little cold you may smothe it with your finger | ||||
and none will stike on your finger nor kake* upon | ||||
the slouts* when it is cold but be smoth and gentle | ||||
then it is good, otherwayes if it do crake you must | ||||
put more oyle into it and heate it a little and stire | ||||
it together and if it be too thine then put in more | ||||
red lead and so stire it together, and to make it | ||||
the better you may put some capons grease or |
duxe grease and stire it well together, you must | ||||
remember to make it up in warme watter | ||||
A most excelent oyntment | ||||
for an itch or tetter* or any | ||||
such Leprosie & more Learn- | ||||
ed of Doctor Kinge | ||||
a pound | ||||
Take |
and |
a pinte of white wine vinneger and beat | ||||
the Letherge in a mortter and ever and anon | ||||
put in a spunfull of vinneger and beat them | ||||
together and then a spunfull of oyle and still | ||||
pound them till all the oyle and vinneger be | ||||
in and then it will be a fine white oyntment | ||||
and if you beat a little oringe flower butter | ||||
or gessimon* butter |
smell the better | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN