A very good sercloth* for weak- fo.132 | ||||
nesse in the backe or any weaknesse | ||||
in ioynts* or for the gout or any | ||||
swelling what so ever | ||||
Take a pennyworth of ordinary turpintine a quarter | ||||
of a pound of white franckencence* melt these both | ||||
together in a pipkine* and then straine them into | ||||
a red pipkine well nealed* then put an ounce and | ||||
a halfe of beese waxe. halfe a drame* of saforne* finly | ||||
powdered, a quarter of an ounce of masticke* sicx** | ||||
penyworth of oyle of cloves, tow* penyworth of | ||||
oyle of mace*, an ounce of burgony pitch* a very | ||||
good oylly nuttmeg beaten very small, boyle all | ||||
these together a quarter of an houre on a gentle fire | ||||
and when it is prety could* spread it on the | ||||
fleshie side of a peece of lether for a searcloth. | ||||
when you use the watter and oyntment for the | ||||
itch ore leaprosie you must lay one of the | ||||
sercloths above writen on the back of the infect- | ||||
ed party ether of itch or leprosie and let them | ||||
drinke every morning a wine glasefull of disstild* | ||||
scurvy grase* watter | ||||
A very good watter for | ||||
a tetter* | ||||
Take tow good handfulls of herbegrace*, and three | ||||
ounces of greene copperise* boyle it in a quarte* | ||||
of runing watter till the third part be consu- | ||||
med then straine it into a glase botle and | ||||
keep it for your use when you use it poore | ||||
out a spoonfull or tow in to some thinge | ||||
and so wash it with a rage* very warme |
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Transcribed by YR and KW