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Image 246, seventh book, folio 131b, four unnumbered receipts

An excellent Watter for the eies*
Take an egge and put out all the meat and
scrape the inward filme of the shell put into it
eie bright* watter and as much vitriol** as will
stand powdred upon .3.pence let it boyle scum-
ing* of the froth and so keepe it in a glase covered.
drope on* drope in the morning another at night
To cure the desstriesse* of the eare
by an Italian if ther be noe horny
substance with in.
Take an earthen bottle with a long neck and put
some good aquavita* in it stop it close with earth
past* and put a quill in it then put it on the fire
and let the steame come into the eare keeping the
party very warme
A powder or medicine for the
falling sciknesse* absolutly cures
children of convulsion fitts
a grain* . 2 . 3 . or . 4 untill . 7 .
is the dose
Take sal. crav. humau. sal. currall. and crav.*
hum.* with the precipitat after making fler
vita.* that remains in the glasse but it must
be . 3 . times Washed after
so fare An excelent ser cloth** for a
sprain or bruse
Take a peny an ounce of diapalma* and melt
it on the fier then take halfe an ounce of nerve
oyle* and a little oyle of speeke** and mingle the
tow* oyles together and so put it some of it
into the diapalmy* as will make it prety saft**
and so spread it when it is warme on lether
or brown paper and first anoint the bruse
with the oyles and then lay on the plaster
noynt* the oyles well in by some fier

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Transcribed by KW and YR