Certayne recipes taken out of a manscript | ||||
made by Dr Mayerne* and Others | ||||
To make a cocke water for a consumption | ||||
Take a cocke and flay him, |
out the guts, and slice him in peices, then put to him a quart of sacke* | ||||
a pottle of redd cowes milke, a pound of currente, and soe much raysenge* | ||||
of the sunne stoned of China ij ounces of dates a quarter of a pound of harte | ||||
horne* iiij ounces, of pimpinell**, violets, borage, rosemary of each one handfull | ||||
of mace a few blades of cinamon a stick or two, a crust of bread after | ||||
distillation of white sugar candy a quarter of a pound, distill this in a | ||||
comon still, let the still bee well luted* with past**, keepe the first pinte | ||||
by it selfe, and 2 pintes after by them selves, and noe more, put a | ||||
spoonfull of the strongest, and 2 of the weakest every morninge. | ||||
To make an excellent sort of Juice[?] of liquorish | ||||
Liquor: iiij ounces boyle it in hysopp* water and coltsfoote* a ij ounces | ||||
to a body then instill spirit of sulphur .gr. 20. | ||||
My Lady Chambers* playster for a bruise | ||||
wch* workes strange effects | ||||
Of Picis Burgund* iiij ounces of cera alba* ij ounces of Thuris* opt* | ||||
j ounce [???] ad emplast. | ||||
For the goute | ||||
Take sperme of Froggs and lay it under ground a good | ||||
while then distill it and apply it to the part. | ||||
To dissolve the stone |
the bladder take iuice* of Oranges 3 dayes | ||||
For flushings or any heate in the hands or feete | ||||
take oatemeal and steepe it in viniger and | ||||
soe apply it to the part. | ||||
A cordiall to gett one a good stomack | ||||
Take a bottle of the best white muscadell and steepe in it | ||||
an ounce of dried redd clour*, gilliflower and draine a glasse | ||||
at morninge, befor dinner, and before supper. | ||||
To cure agues | ||||
Put a handfull of hopps in a pottle of smale beere and boyle | ||||
it well, and let the party drinke of it in his fitt |
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Transcribed by SAW and SW