An aproved medison for .fo.126. | ||||
down | ||||
to bring ⁁ down the desiered sicknesse | ||||
to a woman | ||||
Take a sheet or tow sheets of white paper the finest you can | ||||
get but first take a pinte of Milke as it coms from the cow | ||||
and set it a sowring* a day ot tow then cut your | ||||
paper in small bitts and put it in the milke and | ||||
boyle it till it be halfe consumed I meane the | ||||
milke and then drinke it paper and all fasting | ||||
in the morning and walke a while after it | ||||
An excelent receite for the runing | ||||
of the reighns* and to strenthen | ||||
the body learned of | ||||
Collanell Welbe* | ||||
Take pearle, Amber, grated nutmeggs, turpentine | ||||
washed with red rose watter, made up with a little | ||||
sugar into pills so bigge as one may swallow and | ||||
so take three |
drinke a quarter of a pinte of new milke, even- | ||||
ing and morninge, | ||||
An excelent purg learned of a | ||||
french phisition | ||||
Take a quarter of a pinte of plantine* Watter and a | ||||
quarter of an ownce of the best rewbarbe and the | ||||
iuce* of an oring**, put the rubarb being cut in peeces | ||||
into the plantin watter with the iuce of the oringe | ||||
and let it stand steeping all night and in the | ||||
morning poure out the licker clere from the drugs* | ||||
and put in an ounce of Surrup of Succory* and | ||||
so drinke it a little warmed and 2 hours after a | ||||
draught of cleare possett drinke. | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW and LF