Against all Drye Coughes: | ||||
R: sirrop of Violetts syropp of Poppy heads and syrropp of Juinbes* | ||||
of each a like quantity much water wherein barley Violets Licorise | ||||
& reasons Sebestens* be sodden** as much as you thinke good to mixe and | ||||
with sugar. Purging is not only comodious but needfull the which | ||||
is thus to bee effected Take the said Decoction seeth therein Damaske | ||||
Proins* and sower Dates of each halfe an ounce pilled** Mellon | ||||
seeds pumpcon* seeds Cucumber seeds Gourd seeds and Venus | ||||
hayer* of each :2: Dramms Take 4: oz thereof and temper therein | ||||
one oz and a halfe of Cassia* for it cooles & opens the Auncient | ||||
Phisitions to prayse pilled* beanes it is possible indeed for | ||||
that it will make the water thicke in like manner doe they | ||||
comend fresh butter wherein Almond and sugar are mixed | ||||
stued* Gouds Juinbes Spinage Endive lettice purslayne** | ||||
oyle of sweete Almond & the like | ||||
A delicate powder for the face. | ||||
R: Mountague Cristall* in very fine powder Calcine* it | ||||
in a Crucible :3: tymes over every tyme wash it the first | ||||
with rose water the second with Rosemary water the third | ||||
tyme with beane flower water* then put it on |
stone to dry Thus use it wash your face first with water | ||||
then rubb it with this powder if you will colour |
take Allom plumosum* in fine powder rubb it in yor hands | ||||
with which streake your selfe over afterwards wash it and | ||||
rednes will come | ||||
A Fucus* for the face | ||||
R: Twine glasse in fine powder as much as you will & power* | ||||
on it some Aqua fortis* that will make it boyle and like | ||||
to milke power out that which is made milke into another | ||||
glasse and power on that some salt water the which will make | ||||
it fall downe to the bottome then with fountayne water | ||||
wash it many tymes to dulcifie* it then take of that white | ||||
and mingle with beane flower water in the hand or some | ||||
other kinde of oyle and use it | ||||
A Breast salve: | ||||
R: Mustilage* of flea wort* gum |
and fenugreeke seed ana*1 ℥ henns grease marrow of Calves | ||||
bones fresh butter of each 2 ℥s washed together with the | ||||
water of Violetts oyle of sweete Almonds oyle of Violetts | ||||
of each ½: an |
this asswageth not only the Cough but alsoe paynes of | ||||
the breast |
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and JW