A Cerot* of Alguares a Portugall | ||||
Physitian | ||||
.fo.115. | ||||
Take Gumme of Galbanum : 1 : oz & 2 : drams Gumme of | ||||
Hamoniacum* 3: oz and 3 : drams appoponax* 1 : oz new wax one | ||||
pound and 4 : oz oyle 1 : pound Lytharige* of gold 1 : pound & 1 : oz | ||||
Olibanum* 2 : oz Mirrhe 1 oz & 2: drams frankinsence | ||||
1 : oz & 1 : drame Verdigrese* one oz Long Aristolothia** 1: oz | ||||
Masticke : 1 : oz Boelium* : 1 : oz Calamint stone* : 1 : loadstar* | ||||
2 : oz make it thus, take the gumme of Galbanum Hamomiacum | ||||
& Appoponax and breake them into small peeces then sett | ||||
them to steepe 4 or 5 ; pintes of strong Vinegar upon a | ||||
gentle fier to dissolve the next day strayne them | ||||
thoroughly out & then put them againe into the | ||||
pipkin stirring it sometymes let it boyle gently till | ||||
the vinigar be evaporated altogether then dyssolve the | ||||
wax in the oyle in the which norish* the litarige** in | ||||
an earthen pan untill it be of the body of a plaster | ||||
then haveing the rest of the things in fine powder | ||||
first mingle the gumms and then |
fyer & put to the powders stirring it still untill | ||||
it be cold make rowles hereof & keepe it to use | ||||
The vertues for wormes Tumers | ||||
To draw out splints thornes bones or Iron for the bytinge | ||||
of any Venomous beast the Canker fistula for inflamations | ||||
in wounds it hinders Gangreens Imposthumes* & for the | ||||
plague soares hemicrania* hemrods** Carbuncles & | ||||
many other diseases I have found this plaster good | ||||
for all these things abovewritten but in pticular | ||||
for shrunken nerves admirable good it never fayles | ||||
to cure fistulas | ||||
An Unguent for the Sciatica | ||||
Take out the intrayles* of a Goose fit the body with | ||||
pitch of Burgany* and sage washt with Aquavita* | ||||
soe roast the goose and with the fat which drops | ||||
anoynt the place it will cure quickly | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW and LF