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Image 217, seventh book, folio 111a, three unnumbered recipes.

Very Excellent pills for the
Collicke & stone
Take pills of Agaritive* : 1 : Drame
trochis* of Alhandell** : 20 : graynes Alloes
wash halfe a drame diagredium* : 12 : gr
as much as is sufficient to beate it into a
past* out of which take a drame and
make thereof : 6 : pills for 3: morneings
one for the first day: 2 the second: 3 for
the third day: these pills purge very gently
the pty may goe abroad if he be not very
To pfume gloves after the Spanish
Take of Macfalepa* one ounce Storax
calamin*, Cloves Cynamon a like quantity
half an ounce of rose water one pound
boyle all and wash the gloves with the
yelcke* of an egg and then with rose
water let them dry in the shade and
wash them twice over more then give
them amber muske* as much as you please
A Cordiall Powder to take after meals
to comfort a rawe stomacke
Take of bisket bread : 2 : ounces Coriander
seeds prepared an ounce and a halfe
Cloves Cynamon Callomus Aromataticus*
red rose leaves white Saunders* Pyony
rootes a like quantity of each: 2 : Drames
make these into fine powder and put
to it 3: tymes as much sugar Candy in
fine powder take of this a spoonefull
at a tyme after Supper:

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Transcribed by JW and LF