To take letters out of paper without | ||||
hurting it and soe as noe body canne | ||||
pceive | ||||
.fo.110. | ||||
Take of Comon water ℥ iiij roch Allum | ||||
ʒ j : in fine powder put it in infusion for 3 : | ||||
dayes then strayne it and keepe it then take | ||||
separating water* ʒ j noviae Ceruse*: 8: gr | ||||
in powder and soe leave it for : 2 : howers | ||||
together hartshorne* burnt : 8 : gr take of | ||||
glove leather ℥ ij di and boyle in a pound | ||||
of water soe long till it become a jelley* | ||||
and this must be used a litle warme | ||||
take some Cotton or a sticke dipp it in | ||||
the Ceruse water and |
gently till you perceive them quite taken | ||||
away then touch with the other water | ||||
Pro flux in ventris* | ||||
R: sacco* s Cydon* ʒ: saccas endivio* et saccos | ||||
Tormentillo* ana** ʒ iiij sem torment ros | ||||
rubr* ac* 1 ℥ aq: plant* ʒ vj: acquantur fumill** | ||||
cum* lbly: |
sirupi* coletur** I give it twice a day morning | ||||
and evening | ||||
A very good Balme of a Phisitian | ||||
belonging to the University at Padua | ||||
Take old salet oyle 3 oz : venus* Turpentine | ||||
halfe a pound whole Corne wheat halfe an ounce | ||||
oyle of St Johns wort : 2: oz ye rootes of Cardes | ||||
Benedictus* : 1 : oz : the rootes of Setwill* : 1 : oz | ||||
Frankincense in powder : 2 : oz cut the rootes | ||||
grossly* and put them into a pipkin with white | ||||
wyne that the white wyne may stand above | ||||
the Ingredients an inch: steepe them | ||||
for a whole day then put to it the oyle and | ||||
the corne and boyle it until the wyne bee | ||||
consumed then straine it and put to it the | ||||
Frankincense and then keepe it in a glasse | ||||
You must wash the wounds first | ||||
in wyne | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JW and LF