of the said Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell and Bacon William | ruinous and prostrate and the said Henry hath not at any | |||
Wastell to wit on the Ninth day of January in the year of our | time since the same so fell down & became ruinous and | |||
Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty one [were?] | prostrate repaired maintained or rebuilt the same but the | |||
certified for to the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace | same still continues ruinous prostrate and in decay for | |||
of our Lord the King held at Morpeth in and for the said | want of being repaired maintained and rebuilt contrary | |||
County of Northumberland on the Tenth day of January | to the form and Effect of the said Articles of Agreement | |||
in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred | and of the said Condition of the said Writing Obligatory | |||
and Eighty one under the Hands of the said John | And this the said Gawen John Tweddell and Bacon | |||
Tweddell and of Francis Tweddell and the said Bacon | William are ready to verify Wherefore they pray Judgment | |||
William Wastell three of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace | and their Debt aforesaid together with their Damages | |||
in and for the said County of Northumberland to have | by reason of the detaining of that debt to be adjudged | |||
been built made finished and completed yet the said | to them &c | |||
Henry since the said Bridge and Road were so certified | A Chambre | |||
for to the said General Quarter Sessions as aforesaid hath | ||||
not upheld supported repaired maintained rebuilt | ||||
and kept in good and sufficient repair the said Bridge | ||||
so built by him as aforesaid but on the contrary thereof | ||||
after the said Bridge and Road were so certified for | ||||
as aforesaid and before the exhibiting of the said Bill | ||||
of the said Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell and Bacon | ||||
William Wastell to wit on the Eleventh day of March | ||||
in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred | ||||
and Eighty two the said Bridge fell down and became | ||||
Note: Replication page 2
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Transcribed by CTW and KS