The seaventh booke. | ||||
.fo. 105 | ||||
Heere beginneth the seaventh booke, taken out of a booke* intituled, | ||||
A thousande notable thinges of sundrye sortes* | ||||
1. To helpe synewes. | ||||
Aquavitae* being outwardlye applyed, doth helpe very well the synewes & muscles, | ||||
& all other partes of the bodye tormented or payned of a colde cause, with his | ||||
heateinge strength and swifte penetration. | ||||
2. To helpe chipped lippes. | ||||
If one use to rubbe chapped or roughe lippes, with the sweate behinde theire | ||||
eares, it will make them fine, smoothe, & well coloured: a thinge proved. | ||||
3. To helpe deafenes. | ||||
Earthwormes fryed with goose grease, then streynde*, and a litle thereof dropt | ||||
warme into the deafe or payned eare, doth helpe the same, you must use it | ||||
halfe a douzen times at the leaste. This is true. | ||||
4. To helpe the spleene. | ||||
Anthonius Benevenius* an excellent phisitian, doth glorie, that hee with the water | ||||
wherein smythes did quench their hot and burninge irons, giveing the same | ||||
often to drinke, & with the eateinge of capers, did perfectlye heale a citizen | ||||
of Florence, that had the griefe & swellinge of ye spleene seaven yeares. | ||||
5. To make a horse fall downe deade. | ||||
Adders tongue* wrapte in virgin waxe, & put into the lefte eare of any horse, | ||||
it makes the horse to fall downe to the grownde, as though he were deade: & | ||||
when it is taken out of his eare, it doth not onelye waken him, or waken | ||||
him, but allso it makes him more livelye or quicke. Mizaldus* writes this | ||||
of the reporte of an Englishe man. | ||||
6. To get a pretious stone out of a snake. | ||||
If a water snake bee tyed by the tayle with a corde, and hanged up, & a vessell | ||||
full of waater set under the sayde snake, after a certayne time he will avoyde | ||||
out of his mouth a stone, which stone being taken out of the vessell, he drinkes | ||||
up all the water: let this stone bee tyed to the bellye of them that have the | ||||
dropsye, and the water will bee exhausted or drunke up, and it fullye and | ||||
wholelye helped the partye that hath ye sayd dropsye. Jacobus Hollerius*. | ||||
7. How to keepe wine from thunder. | ||||
Ofte thunder doth turne & chaunge wines marvelouslye, but if ye wines | ||||
bee then in cellers, being paved, & the walles of stone, they take lesse harme | ||||
then in bourded cellers: therefore it is good before such tempests or thunder, | ||||
to laye a plate of iron with salte, or flinte stones upon the sayde vessells | ||||
with wine. Leuinius Lemnius* by Mizaldus reporte. | ||||
8. To knowe who shall have the palsye. | ||||
They will have the palsye or be so that they cannot move themselves, or will be | ||||
given to tremble, in whose nativities the moone is in an angle with Saturne: | ||||
Saturne then beinge under the beames of the sunne combuste. Lykewise if ye | ||||
sixth house, & the Lorde thereof bee infortunate of Saturne without the aspect | ||||
of a good planet. Jatromath. Guat. Ryff.* | ||||
9. To take awaye a worme. | ||||
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Transcribed by JW