"An Estimate of the upstanding work of Hexham Bridge, a Valuation"* | ||||
"of the fallen and damaged Materials towards reinstating the said Bridge" | ||||
"and an Estimate of what will be further required in Cash to restore" | ||||
"the said Bridge conformable to the Terms of Mr Errington’s Contract with" | ||||
"the County of Northumberland | ||||
"The Value of the upstanding parts of the Bridge; in which I account | ||||
"the North and South Land Breasts, with their respective} | ||||
"Slopes, Land Arches and Mill Arch, also the first Arch } | ||||
"of the Bridge and parapets from the South side and } 1786 4 – | ||||
"the first and third piers from the South side; these } | ||||
"Articles on a careful Valuation of particulars I } | ||||
"estimate at the Sum of } | ||||
"The Value of the fallen and damaged Materials towards } | ||||
"the Reerection of the Bridge,from the best Estimation } 387 16 7 | ||||
"I can make of them, I think them worth at the least } | ||||
"To compleat the Erection of the fallen parts conformable } | ||||
"to the Terms of Mr Errington’s Contract with the County I} 2925 17 5 | ||||
"estimate at the further Sum of } 5099 18- | ||||
Sandhoe 10 Decr 1783 J Smeaton | ||||
this Estimate was sent to Mr Errington who forwarded it to Mr Heron his | ||||
Law Agent at Newcastle accompanied with the following Letter* | ||||
"In Consequence of a Message from the Justices of the peace delivered" | ||||
"at last Michaelmas Sessions to my Agent Mr Donkin I prevailed" | ||||
"upon Mr Smeaton as soon as the State of his Health would permit" | ||||
"him, to view & examine the State & ruins of Hexham Bridge" | ||||
the Value | ||||
"and to make Estimates as well of ⁁ of the undamaged parts as of the" | ||||
"deranged and damaged Materials and to compute the Amount of the" | ||||
"Sum necessary to put the same into such Condition as my Contract" | ||||
"requires which Estimate & Computation, together with Mr Smeaton’s" | ||||
"Letter to me are annexed and I hereby offer to pay the Sum of" | ||||
"two thousand nine hundred and twenty five pounds Seventeen Shillings" | ||||
"and five pence in the said Computation mentioned by Instalments" | ||||
"in such manner & proportions as I received the money paid to me by" | ||||
"the County and as expressed in my Letter to Mr Aynsley at last" | ||||
"Sessions upon being released from my said Contract" | ||||
"Red Rice Decbr 18 1783" "Heny Errington" | ||||
The above estimate and Letter |
the peace on the 27th December 1783 and on the 10th Jany 1784 the | ||||
Clerk of the peace wrote the following Note to Mr Heron* | ||||
"Mr Davidsons Compliments to Mr Heron begs to know if he is" | ||||
"vested with full powers from Mr Errington to treat and agree on his" | ||||
"Behalf with the Magistrates at the ensuing Quarter Sessions touching" | ||||
"the matter of Hexham Bridge, if he is not, then that he Mr Davidson" | ||||
"has to request that he or Mr Donkin will attend at the Sessions" | ||||
"fully authorised for the above purpose" | ||||
"Oat Market Newcastle 10th January 1784" | ||||
on Behalf of Mr Errington | ||||
Mr Heron accordingly ⁁ attended at the Quarter Sessions held at Morpeth on | ||||
the 14th January 1784 – and was present with the Justices for some |
Time in a room where they had |
withdraw he left them and afterwards on the same Day the Clerk of the peace | ||||
4 | ||||
Note: Draft Case to the Court of Chancery, p 4
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by CTW and TB