The sixthe booke. .fo. 101. | ||||
116. For him that cannot pisse. | ||||
Take galbanum*, & lay it to the end of his yarde**, and for a woman, to her | ||||
navell, or drinke the croppes of red nettle: Allso drinke the powder of cri- | ||||
stall*, and thou shalte pisse well: Allso take eggeshells, and burne them | ||||
to powder, then sifte it through a linnen clothe, that the powder bee | ||||
small, and drinke it. Probatum est*. | ||||
117. For him that cannot holde his water. | ||||
Take saxifrage and drinke it, and burne the rootes, and make powder | ||||
thereof, and drinke it morninge and eveninge. | ||||
118. For man or woman that hath the pestilence*. | ||||
Take a good quantitye of madder*, and drye it, but not too muche, and | ||||
then braye* it in a morter, and after force it verye fine, then take a litle | ||||
of this powder, and put it in a cuppe of ale, and give the sicke to drinke | ||||
and hee shall be whole on warrentise*. Probatum est. | ||||
119. For the stone*. | ||||
Take garlicke & seeth* it in fayre water tyll it bee softe, but you muste | ||||
picke it fayre and cleane, and cut awaye the rootes of every clove, then | ||||
take it out of the water, and laye it upon towe*, and make it as a plaister, | ||||
and laye it upon a linnen clothe to the raignes* of your backe, or where | ||||
it grieveth you all nighte, and binde it faste to you with a roller aboute | ||||
you of linnen clothe. Probatum est. John Arne Sherman. | ||||
120. A medicine for the tooth ache. | ||||
Take daysies, alias grace dye*, a quantitye of them, and seaven** cornes of | ||||
baye salte, bruise them together, and strayne them through a cleane cloth, | ||||
and take the iuice*, and put it in a quill, and put the quill into thy nostrill | ||||
that the payne is on that side, and let it goe downe into your nostrill, and | ||||
through your mouth into your bodye, allso bee sure that you have | ||||
drinke by you, and drinke after. | ||||
121. A medicine for the collicke. | ||||
Take a pinte of ale, and set it over the fire, and skymme it, then take halfe | ||||
an handfull of time, and so seethe it to halfe a pinte, and strayne it, & drinke | ||||
it to bedwarde, and drinke it what time a daye you will, so that you drinke | ||||
not three howres after. | ||||
122. A medicine for the gowte*. | ||||
Take j id Of water cresses, and picke them cleane, and washe them, & bray | ||||
them in a morter, and strayne them through a cleane clothe, & put ye iuice | ||||
in an earthen pot, & boyle it over the fire, & skymme it cleane, & strayne | ||||
it cleane, & drinke 3 spoonefulls every morninge, & drinke not 3 hours after. | ||||
123. A medicine to make a man to pisse. | ||||
Take garlicke and time*, & mouseare**, & seeth them in fayre water, & then | ||||
take the water, & put it into a glasse, & drinke it nowe & then. Probatum est. | ||||
A medicine |
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Transcribed by KS and GB