The sixthe booke. | ||||
Take wormewoode, cammamyll, commyn* seede, wheaten branne, nut- | ||||
megge, make a bagge, and put these in, and sprinkle it with aquacom- | ||||
posita*, and fill the griefe with it as hot as thou mayste suffer it, | ||||
for this is proved. | ||||
110. A remedye agaynst any kinde of ache. | ||||
Take hearbegrace*, goose grease, and aquacomposita, and mingle these | ||||
together, and anoynte the place, etc. | ||||
111. A medicine for the openinge of the pipes*. | ||||
Take powder of licoras*, and a litle of oatemeale, and put it in a linnen | ||||
clothe, and shake it through a linnen cloth, and a litle ale, and seethe* | ||||
it over the fire, wth the ale, & put thereto the powder of licoras, and | ||||
drinke it warme in the morninge. | ||||
112. A medicine for a laske*. | ||||
Take leaves that are called leaves lawrialls*, that groweth in woodes | ||||
underneath holme* by the grownde, and make a bagge of paper, & | ||||
put therein as much as you will, and so hange it up in your chaber | ||||
tyll it be drye, then take out thereof a quantitye, and make it in powder, | ||||
and put thereto a quantitye of kirnells of bayes in powder, and then take | ||||
a quantitye of sugar candye in powder thereto, and then put it all toge- | ||||
ther, then take thereof as much at three times as you can take up | ||||
with your thumbe & your forefinger, or five or sixe times, as ye man | ||||
or the woman maye beare it, then take a quantitye of ale, and put the | ||||
same powder in thereto, and make warme, & give it to man or wo- | ||||
man to drinke on morninges at three or fowre a clocke. Probatum est*. | ||||
Allso take three or fowre of the same leaves larialls, and put them | ||||
downewardes, and put them in your pot wherein you make pottage, and | ||||
it will make you laske: or five or seaven, or nine, or eleaven leaves, | ||||
and you may beare it well. | ||||
113. For the sciatica passio*. | ||||
Take a gallon of stale pisse of 22 dayes olde, and seeth it, and skymme | ||||
it cleane, and therewith anoynte the hippe bone downewarde, and as | ||||
hot as you maye suffer it by a fire of coales. | ||||
114. A medicine for the ague. | ||||
Take red myntes, and stampe* them, and then put thereto a litle treacle, | ||||
and strayne them both throughe a cloth, and take a litle oyle, warme it | ||||
and put these together, and give the sicke to drinke. Probatum est. | ||||
115. For the stronge ague. | ||||
Take a quarte of wine, and a pinte of water, and seeth them with these | ||||
hearbes, betanye, wormewoode, & motherworte, commyn, pimpernell*, roses, | ||||
and marigoldes, of each like much, and seeth them tyll it be sodden* to a pinte. | ||||
For him yt | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by KS and GB