.fo.98. | ||||
The sixthe booke. | ||||
then put them in a posnet*, and put to them sweete butter, and let them | ||||
boyle tyll they waxe thicke, then take from the fire, and strayne | ||||
it through a fayre cloth, and preserve the oyntemente in a fayre pot, | ||||
and anoynte the wrestes* therewith agaynste the fire, & it will helpe. | ||||
77. To make a good water for the stone. | ||||
Take broomeflowers, time, parslye, saxifrage, hartes tongue, ivye leaves, | ||||
of eache of the aforesayde leaves so manye distilled as to have a pinte of | ||||
eache, which done, put to these waters so many pintes of good white | ||||
wine, and distill them all together agayne, and preserve that water well, | ||||
and give the party diseased but five spoonefulls at a time, and let him | ||||
take it morninge and eveninge, and in nine dayes by Gods grace it | ||||
will helpe him. | ||||
78. A very good & a sweete lippe salve. | ||||
Take deares* suet, and cut it fine, and melte it on a softe fire, then take | ||||
twoe graynes* of pure muske*, and as muche camphire*, and infuse them | ||||
in rose water, twelve howres, your sewet* beinge molten, take it | ||||
from the fire, and put the rosewater to it, beateinge them well together, | ||||
and when you see it curde like butter, then strayne into it a good | ||||
quantitye of storax calaminte* made in fine powder, and beate it well | ||||
into the sewet, but in anye wise let not your sewet bee too warme when | ||||
you put your powder in, leaste it gather together in a cake, and so | ||||
spoyle your receipte. | ||||
79. For the ague. | ||||
Take the iuice* of fowre oranges, and so much as the quantitye of iuice of | ||||
the oranges in aqua vitae, and put thereto one ob in pepper, and stire them | ||||
together, and drinke the same of when you feele your fitte begine to take | ||||
you, and so use it three or fowre times. | ||||
80. For anye manner of ache: a noble playster, | ||||
called the blacke plaister, for as soone as | ||||
the plaister is warme upon the fleshe, the | ||||
ache is gone: pved more then 500 times. | ||||
Take twoe pownde of unwroughte waxe, of deares sewet halfe a pownde, | ||||
perosin* two pownde, cloves & maces, of eache twoe ownces, halfe an ownce | ||||
of saffron, rosin twoe pownde, blacke pitche a quarter of a pownde, melte | ||||
that is to bee molton, and pownde and serse* that is to be pownded, then medle** | ||||
all together over a softe |
then take a pottle* of red wine, and by a litle & a litle powre** it into your | ||||
salve, stirringe it well together when it is cleane molten, then strayne it | ||||
into a panne, then strawe* in your powder of cloves, maces, and saffron, | ||||
castinge them abroade upon your foresayde ingrediente, and stirre it well | ||||
together a good while, then let it stande tyll it bee somewhat colde, then | ||||
anoynte well your handes with oyle of roses, or capons greace, & while | ||||
it is |
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Transcribed by KS and GB