The Sixthe booke. | ||||
Take lycoras* a quarter of an ownce, annysseedes* halfe a quarter of an ownce, | ||||
sugar candye a quarter and an halfe, nutmegges twoe, mace two penyworth, | ||||
gallingall* a penyworth, setwell* a pennyworth, orrice* one roote, calamus* two | ||||
rootes, small coriander comfictes* ob, fennell comficts ob, ginger a penyworth, | ||||
elacampane* so much in quantitye as of the orrice, make this in grosse dregge*. | ||||
73. A gellye* for them yt be broughte | ||||
lowe, and cannot eate meate. | ||||
Take sixe calves feete, and a knuckle of veale, boyle these in a gallon | ||||
of water tyll the meate bee sodden* all to pieces, or verye soflye: then | ||||
take out the meate, and put it in three pintes of red wine, or claret: | ||||
then cynamon twoe ownces, ginger a quarter of an ownce, and sugar | ||||
twelve ownces, and let these boyle a litle more, and take it of the fire, | ||||
and let it runne throughe a wollen clothe, and let it stande tyll it be colde, | ||||
and you |
74. To make a comfortable syrrop of roses. | ||||
Take a gallon of fayre water, and put therein a pecke* of damaske rose | ||||
leaves, and let them stand all nighte therein, and in the morninge wringe | ||||
the rose leaves out with your handes, and put an other pecke of freshe | ||||
rose leaves into the same water, and let it stande as longe, and then set | ||||
it on the fire, roseleaves & all, and let it boyle tyll it be halfe sodden away, | ||||
and strayne the licor* cleane from the roseleaves into a fayre earthen | ||||
pot, and put therein three pownde of sugar, then set it on the fire | ||||
agayne, & let it boyle tyll it come to syrroppe, and if you will make | ||||
lesse in quantitye, then you must take lesse water, and lesse leaves, & | ||||
lesse suger, when you doo take of it, take not above fowre or five | ||||
spoonefulls at the moste, excepte it be to a stronge bodye. | ||||
75. To make gratia Dei*. | ||||
Take the iuice* of betanye*, and the iuice of verven*, and the iuice of pimper- | ||||
nell*, of each of them one pownde waighte, of perosin* fowre ownces, of | ||||
frankencens three ownces made in fine powder, a pounde of new waxe, | ||||
a pownde of rosen*, halfe a pownde of sheepes tallowe* the sweetest that | ||||
may be gotten, of good bastarde*, or osley* a pinte, and then set them on the | ||||
fire, and let them boyle softlye tyll it waxe thicke, then take it from ye fire, | ||||
clense it fayre throughe a clothe, and then set it on the fire agayne, and | ||||
put therein three ownces of oyle ollyffe*, and let it boyle softlye, ye space | ||||
of fowre pater noster whiles, and then take it of, & caste |
basin tyll it be colde, and then take it forthe, and cut it in pieces, and make | ||||
rowles* thereof, and put it in leather, or parchment, and so keepe it. | ||||
76. An oyntement for ye palsye. | ||||
Take rosemarye, wormewoode*, sage, cowslips, or primeroses, of each an | ||||
handfull, and choppe them all all as small as you woulde for a pot, | ||||
then put |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by KS and GB