The Sixthe booke. | ||||
58. For the tooth ache. | ||||
Take thirtye leaves of the white honysuckles, that growethe in | ||||
hedges, and nine cornes of baye salte*, and temper* them together, & | ||||
laye it to the gummes of the sore toothe, & it shall bee whole. | ||||
59. For wateringe eyes. | ||||
Take a red coole* leafe, and pownde it with the white of an egge, and | ||||
laye it to thine eyes when thou goest to bed. | ||||
60. Pyonye* seede. | ||||
Who so beareth this seede upon him, shall never have the fallinge | ||||
evill. Item take this seede pyonye, and braye it with oyle, and eate it | ||||
with sugar, and it is moste restorative. | ||||
61. To make brighte eyes. | ||||
Take the bloude of a moll*, and anoynte thine eyes therewith, then theye | ||||
shall bee brighte. | ||||
62. For the dropsye. | ||||
Take a good handfull of sage, and bake it in a loafe of white breade, & | ||||
all hot put it in a pot of leather with a gallon of good stale ale, and stoppe | ||||
it faste, and let it reste all daye or all nighte, and take thereof in the | ||||
morninge firste, and the eveninge laste, & thou shalte be whole. | ||||
63. For the morphewe* prooved by | ||||
the olde Lorde Darcye*. | ||||
Take three pyntes of white vinegar, and take 3 id in white leade, & pure | ||||
Brimstone well brayed*, and put to the powders a greate spoonefull of good | ||||
blacke sope, and put the powders with the sope into a stronge linnen cloth, | ||||
and laye the cloth into the vineger, and let it lye there 24 howres, & then | ||||
wash thee with the sayde bathe upon the places infected by the space | ||||
of nine dayes together morninge & eveninge agaynste the fire, rubbinge | ||||
the place well before with a piece of scarlet, or fine red cloth, & drinke | ||||
in that nine dayes a pinte of fumitorye* water, and rubbe the sore, or place | ||||
infected, and washe agaynst the fire: and then goe to bed, and sweate | ||||
halfe an howre, and thou shalte be as cleane as ever thou waste*, proved | ||||
by divers. | ||||
64. For the runninge of the raignes*. | ||||
Take a quarte of bastarde*, of white archangell*, bawme*, white neppe*, | ||||
& clarye*, of each like muche, seeth it tyll the one halfe be consumed, then | ||||
take fine amber*[*], and beate |
foresayde lycor, and drinke thereof morninge & eveninge, and it | ||||
shall helpe thee. | ||||
65. A remedye for the howlinge of the lunges. | ||||
Take gallingall*, manipulum*, shred it finely, elacampane* rootes as | ||||
much, halfe an handfull of licoras* well scraped, & finelye cut, twoe hand- | ||||
fulls of scabias, and hearbes all together cleane washed a gallon of | ||||
stronge ale worte*, put all the foresayde thinges into the worte, and | ||||
let it stand |
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Transcribed by KS and GB