.fo. 96. | ||||
The Sixthe booke. | ||||
heade: but looke thou keepe it allways hot, that it coole not: and laye it | ||||
nexte unto thy heade with the leaves of blinde nettles*. | ||||
49. For a sore throate. | ||||
Take the seede of columbine, and annys*, and stampe them, and let him | ||||
drinke it, and hee shall be whole. | ||||
50. For stoppeing of ye stomacke with hoarsenes. | ||||
Take hysoppe*, and licoras*, & seeth* them in a pinte of white wine, and | ||||
hot, and in the mornings colde. | ||||
51. For all manner of sickenes in ye stomacke. | ||||
Take the seede of annys, and lynseede, & commyn*, of every of them | ||||
like muche, & stampe them together, & give the sicke to drinke with | ||||
hot water, & hee shall bee well. | ||||
52. For a man that spitteth bloude. | ||||
Take betanye*, and temper it with goates milke, and let the sicke drinke | ||||
three dayes thereof. | ||||
53. For the stone* in the raignes*. | ||||
Take a quantitye of elacampane*, and a quantitye of cherristones*, and | ||||
a greate quantitye of parslye, and somewhat more of small nut shells, | ||||
and put all this together, and make powder thereof, and let him drinke | ||||
it, & hee shall bee whole. | ||||
54. To make a salve, a clenser, and an | ||||
healer of all manner of woundes. | ||||
Take an handfull of betanye, an handfull of vervaine*, two handfulls | ||||
od red pympernell*, and put in twoe powdes of hogges dunge, & stampe | ||||
stampe it together, and let it rotte* nine dayes, and then frye them, & | ||||
strayne it, and put therein three ownces of masticke*, and boyle it | ||||
agayne, and strayne it. | ||||
55. To clense a mans eyes. | ||||
Take red fennell, and stampe it in a morter, and then strayne in a cloth, | ||||
and take an egge, and put it out all that is therein, and then put the iuice* | ||||
of the fennell into the shell, and set it upon the embers, and take a feather, | ||||
and make it cleane as the fome riseth, and when it is well boyled, then | ||||
take it & let it reste a while, and then take out that which is cleane, | ||||
and put it in a cleane sawcer*, and caste awaye that remayneth, and | ||||
then put some thereof to your eyes. | ||||
56. To make the stomacke in temper. | ||||
Take a pennyworthe of longe pepper, a quantitye of graynes*, a nutmegge, | ||||
a pennyworth of saffron, and twoe spoonefulls of sugar, and beat them | ||||
all together to powder, & boyle them all in good ale, and give ye sicke | ||||
to drinke. | ||||
57. A most pretious* medicine for ye stone. | ||||
Take a loadestone*, and breake it to powder as small as you may, & drinke it | ||||
with wine, & |
For the |
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Transcribed by KS and GB