The Sixthe booke. | ||||
in your eye when you goe to sleepe, and it shall breake the skumme* of | ||||
the eye by the grace of God: well proved. | ||||
21. For pricking in a ioynte* with needle or thorne. | ||||
Take wheate flower & wine, and boyle them together, tyll it bee thicke, and | ||||
laye thereto, allso for to drawe out a thorne, take dayseyes, dayneworte* | ||||
both leafe and roote, & twoe yelles* of egges, & wheate meale stamped to- | ||||
gether, and make an oyntemente thereof, and laye thereto, and it shall | ||||
slake* the swellinge, and have it out. | ||||
22. For the chingles*. | ||||
Take doves dunge that is moyste, and barlymeale, of each a pownde, stap | ||||
them well together, & put thereto a pinte of vinegar, meddle* them together, | ||||
ad* laye thereto, and role leaves thereupon, and looke it lye three dayes, | ||||
then make newe, and thou shalte be whole within three playsters, allso | ||||
take the lees of a water pot, and anoynte the chingles therewith. | ||||
23. For women that purge overmuch after childebearing. | ||||
Take the roote of pyony, and stampe* it well, and drye it, & make powder | ||||
thereof, and sorse* it and give it her to drinke with wine, and it shall | ||||
purge her, and bringe her to good state. | ||||
24. For a woman that hath too much of her flowers. | ||||
her | ||||
Take ancecocum*, ymagogum*, a penywaighte in powder, and give ⁁ to drinke | ||||
with a spoonfull of aquavitae* and ale: ana*. then take a litle of the foresaid | ||||
powder, and meddle it with with hot horse dunge, & binde to her navell. | ||||
25. An other for the same. | ||||
Take fayre turdes of horse dunge, and boyle them in vinegar, and laye | ||||
to her navell as hot as shee may suffer. | ||||
26. An other. | ||||
Take wheate flowre, & seethe it in milke & honye, and make thereof | ||||
a playster, & laye to the navell as hot as shee may suffer. | ||||
27. An other. | ||||
Take cumferye* & washe it, and stampe it, and seethe it in wine, and make | ||||
a playster thereof, and laye to the navell, and to the wombe, & another | ||||
to the raignes*, and that shall heale her fayre and well. | ||||
28. For a fowle, & perilous olde sore, or a | ||||
canker in a legge, or such a place. | ||||
Take and burne wheate in a pot, so that thou mayest make powder | ||||
thereof, and fill the hole, or the sore therewith, & laye a playster of a | ||||
cowe or oxe turde above, and binde it fast thereto, and so heale it up | ||||
well and fayre. | ||||
29. An other. | ||||
Take an oxe gall*, and as much honye, and boyle them together, and | ||||
skumme them, and then put thereto white copporis* as much as a doves | ||||
eye in fine powder, & boyle them three times a litle, and keepe it well, | ||||
and anoynte therewith the sore tyll it bee whole. Probatum est*. | ||||
To destroye |
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Transcribed by KS and GB