.fo. 94. | ||||
The Sixthe booke. | ||||
it is neverthelesse in his perfection: for if you should distill it soe | ||||
often that it woulde be no more harde, nor congeale in the receiver, | ||||
then it woulde be so hot, & quicke in the mouthe, that it, were unpossible | ||||
by anye meanes to drinke it downe: But being but once distilled, you may | ||||
eyther drinke it in wine, or anoynte it on anye place of your bodye |
without hurte, for greate is the vertue if this oyle: For as Raymond | ||||
Lullye* saythe, it is a celestiall and divine medicine and remedy in a ma- | ||||
ner agaynste all griefes both inwarde and outwarde. For inwarde | ||||
griefes, if the urine be so stopped, that then canst scarcelye make wa- | ||||
ter, or not at all, or if thou have anye grievous stitches, or payne in | ||||
thy loynes, or raignes*, etc: then take a dramme of this oyle, & put | ||||
into a quarter of a pinte of white wine, and drinke it up, and by gods | ||||
grace thou shalt finde a presente remedye. And for outward griefes, | ||||
if thou have a wounde never so wide and bigge, take & stitche it uppe | ||||
somewhat wide, and then poure in the oyle, and laye a linnen cloth on | ||||
it, and |
small wounde within three dayes or lesse. The chirurgians* cannot | ||||
awaye with this oyle, for it spoyleth theire science. | ||||
19. An other waye of draweinge the oyle of waxe | ||||
most noble, & doth marvelouslye helpe ye colde | ||||
gowte, the sciatica, the swellinge of ye legges, | ||||
& all other griefes pceeding of a cold cause, etc. | ||||
Take of pure newe waxe, so much as you please: and put it in a panne | ||||
over the fire to melte, and being melted, have by you in a readines an other | ||||
panne well glazed & cleane within, filled with very good & perfecte | ||||
wine, into which poure your molten waxe, & lettinge it soke & drinke | ||||
well in the wine, & then washe it often in the sayde wine, that done, take | ||||
out your waxe, and wringe it well with your handes, & use it so with | ||||
melteing, & washeing an eight times together at the least, & every time | ||||
washe it in newe freshe wine, doeinge away the former, then at the laste | ||||
take it, & set it forthe (beinge a cleane season, and ayre) all the night through: | ||||
after which put the waxe into a retorte*, with a litle of mummia*, and oyle | ||||
of hypericon, or St Johns worte, and a litle olde oyle: And allthoughe it may | ||||
doe good without these, yet it worketh farre better then used alone. Nowe | ||||
take this crooked bodye or retorte, & set it in fine syfted ashes, & a gentle fire | ||||
made under it untill all the oyle bee runne forthe: Nowe in the comeing | ||||
forth of this oyle, there will appeare in the receiver all the 4 elements, | ||||
as the fire, ayre, water, & earth: which all will orderlye appeare right | ||||
marvelous to see. And the oyle being thus drawme, worketh myraculously | ||||
in all diseases which proceeds of colde causes. | ||||
20. To breake the skumme* of the eye. | ||||
Take an eele, and roste it whole, and breake not the skynne, and when it is | ||||
rosted perfectlye, then open him, and drawe out the gall*, and put a drop | ||||
in your eye | ||||
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Transcribed by KS and GB