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Image 184, sixth book, Folio 93b, receipts 17 to 18

The Sixthe booke.
Take of mercurye* water one pinte, of the water of daneworte* as much,
myxe them together, and heerewith washe the sore, drye it not, but cover
it with a playster*: use it but when the sore doth wante dryeinge, or els
17. The best dyet drinke for canker,
fistula, or olde ulcer ye can bee.
Take of sarzaparille* roote fowre ownces, saxafrasine** rootes as manye, of
chine* rootes twoe ownces, mader* rootes twoe ownces, turmentyll* rootes
twoe ownces, angellica roots two ownces, gallingall* roots two ownces,
sene* twoe ownces, ruberbe* three quarters of an ownce, hartes horne,
raspede* three good handfulls, you must cut & bruise in a morter all the
rootes, large mace one ownce, of hearbes betony of the woode, scabias,
egrimonye*, coltsfoote*, ribworte*, marshe mallowes*, or holehocke*,
mouseeare*, of each of these one handfull, of ladies mantle, & of sweet
marioram*, of each halfe an handfull, of the hearbe mercurie* one hand-
full, of penyroyall a quarter of an handfull, let all these hearbes bee
with the rootes, that done, divide them equallye into three partes, then
take you one of the three partes, and put it in a thinne bagge, and hange
it in twoe gallons of good stronge ale, so as it may neyther touch
the yeaste, nor the bottome of the vessell, after 26 howres standeinge,
drinke no other but this, when that is done, use an other parte, and
then the thirde parte as the other, keepe a good dyet, eateing rabot*,
mutton, veale, chicken, or birdes of the fielde, eyther roasted, drye,
or boyled, eate white breade well baked, this dyet drinke is pleasaunt
and good to take.
18. The manner howe to make oyle out of waxe, &c.
Raymonde Lullye* sayth that oyle is miraculous and divine in wor-
keinge, &c: The making of it is in this manner. First take ye bodye
of a glasse called a retorte, which stronglye lute* aboute with claye
and flaxe well tempered together with salte water. After ye Body is
thus fensed & throughlye drye, then put into it a pownde or more of
pure newe waxe, so that the waxe filleth not above halfe your body:
and to every pounde of waxe put in fowre ownces of the powder of
red bricke finely bruised, then take & set it in an earthen pot filled
rounde aboute it with fine sifted ashes or sande: After this let the
pot with the bodye in it on a furnace, and make a softe fire at the first
under it, & after increaseinge a litle more your fire, distill them so
long untyll all your oyle be come: which within a while will con-
geale in the receiver, but it maketh no greate matter if it doe: for
it is

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Transcribed by KS and GB