.fo. 93. | ||||
The Sixthe book. | ||||
stonned: ℥s ij: Boyle all in a pottle* of whaye** clarifyed untyll ye thirde | ||||
parte be consumed, then strayne* it all very well: And to 12 ownces | ||||
of the decoction* put of the confection of hamecke*: ℥ j ss of ye electuary* | ||||
of roses: ℥ ss of the syrrop of violets, & burrage*: An; ℥ j. And then let | ||||
it simper* a litle upon the fire agayne: And the dose is ℥ iiij. at sixe | ||||
of the clocke in the morne, and if it give you fowre* stooles more | ||||
then ordinarye by fowre of the clocke after noone, then take no more | ||||
that daye: if not, take as much agayne at fowre at afternoone, and so | ||||
doe for three dayes together, and keepe you warme, and allwayes | ||||
twoe howres* after you maye eate some warme thinge: the reste of | ||||
the decoction you maye keepe tyll you have neede agayne. | ||||
14. Flos unguentorum* is thus made | ||||
Take rosin*, and preserved rosin, of eache a quarter of a pownde, virgin | ||||
waxe, and frankencense, of eache one ownce, hartes tallowe*, or deares | ||||
sewet* twoe ownces, of masticke** halfe an ownce, the waighte of 3 id of | ||||
camphire, melte your waxe, and sewet together, then your rosins powdred, | ||||
then your frankencense & masticke in powder, then your camphire beate* | ||||
with an allmonde, stirre all together, & let it boyle softlye, styll stirringe it, | ||||
then take it from the fire, & stirre it tyll it is no more then bloude*[*] warme, | ||||
then put in a pinte of good white wine, boyle it agayne tyll the wine is | ||||
washed, then strayne it, make it somewhat more then bloud warme, then | ||||
put into it an ownce & an halfe of venice turpentine*, stirre all well to- | ||||
gether tyll it be colde, keepe it in boxes, use it as neede requireth: it doth | ||||
heal soundlye* newe or olde sores. | ||||
15. This was the first dyet* drink, a verye good | ||||
one, but it was not so pleasaunte as ye other, | ||||
neyther wroughte it so effectuallye. | ||||
Take fowre ownces of sarzaparille*, twoe ownces of sazafrassenie**: one- | ||||
ownce of turmentyll* rootes, an ownce of chinie rootes, of calama aromatica | ||||
one ownce or twoe: one handfull of march mallowes*, hollihocke rootes, | ||||
one handfull of egrimonye, two handfulls of scabias**, two handfulls of colsfoot***, | ||||
bruise all these, and boyle them all in a gallon of the best sweete worte* | ||||
sixe howres, then strayne it harde from the drugges*, then put to the | ||||
drinke one pottle of runninge water, and one pottle of white wine, boyle | ||||
this agayne sixe howres, then take it of, & while it is hot, put into it an | ||||
ownce of good sene*, a quarter of an ownce of ruborbe** in thinne styces***, stop | ||||
it close, and when it hath stoode 24 howres, strayne out as much of it as | ||||
will serve you for one daye: and once in seaven* dayes take a purge, and | ||||
keepe the dyet taughte, as in the other. | ||||
16. A water for ulcer, or fistula*, or canker** | ||||
to washe the sore withall | ||||
Take of |
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Transcribed by KS and GB