The Sixth booke. | ||||
like to have it somewhat harder, you may at any time take some of it, | ||||
and put thereonto a little waxe, a litle rosen*, & a litle turpentine, and | ||||
melte the salve & them together, and use it at your pleasure. | ||||
7. For teeth that are loose. | ||||
Take hartes horne, and burne it to powder, then take a fine linnen cloth, | ||||
and put the powder into it, then laye it to the loose teethe. | ||||
8. To make aquavitae, or water of life. | ||||
Firste fill a pot full of red wine, and doe therein the powder of canell* | ||||
gillowflowers*, ginger Beaten: nutmeggs, gallingall**, spice, large mace, | ||||
quibibes*, graynes of Paris*, longe pepper, and blacke carrewe*,cyromo – | ||||
fayne, commyn*, fennell seede, smallage*, pepper, sage, mynte, rewe, | ||||
calamynte*, horsehoofe*, of each like much, a dramme* & no more: or | ||||
three penny waighte*, or lesse as thou haste whereof, put all these things | ||||
into the wine, & after still it with a softe fire, & the limbecke* must be | ||||
so close luted* that no ayre** goe out of it, then put the water into a | ||||
viall of glasse. | ||||
9. A medicine for the fluxe*. | ||||
Take a quarte of claret, or rather red wine, and a penny white loafe | ||||
slyced* into toastes**, and toasted very drye, and then beaten to powder, | ||||
put it into the wine, boyle* them together tyll** they be very thicke, then | ||||
put into it a nutmegge beaten small, after it hath sodden* well, put ye | ||||
yolke of an egge into it, & then let it seeth*, a |
two or three spoonefulls every morninge before you eate anye thinge. | ||||
10. To make a woman to have her flowers*. | ||||
Take the iuice* of gladen**, and seeth it in vineger, or in wine, and when it | ||||
is well sodden, put it in a vessell, and let her stride over it, that no | ||||
ayre goe out, but that it maye goe up into her bodye. | ||||
11. To stente* them, or cease them | ||||
Take an hares foote, and make thereof powder, and let her drinke thereof | ||||
with stale ale, &c. | ||||
12. To heale a sciatica. | ||||
Take the oyle of linseede, |
and it will make it whole. | ||||
13. A potion agaynst burnt choloricke humors. | ||||
Mr Potter with many thankes, & commendations, &c. I have prescribed | ||||
yon heere the makeinge of a potion fit for your bodye agaynste these | ||||
burte cholericke humors, &c: which is thus. Take of the rootes of | ||||
burrage*, and buglosse**, & the rootes of the butter docke*** cleane washed | ||||
& slyced, of eache ℥ j. of violet leaves, rose leaves dryed, fumitorye*, | ||||
hartstongue*, epithium, hoppes, Ana**: ℥ ij Of the flowers of buglos, | ||||
burrage*, and violets. And ℥ .j. ss of the foure colde greate seeds*. An | ||||
℥ j bruised: of fennel seed, parslye seede, and annis seed*: An: ℥ j ss | ||||
of rubarbe: ℥ ss. sennae: ℥ ss of damaske prunes 12. of reysons | ||||
stonned |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by KS and GB