.fo . 92 | ||||
The Sixthe Booke | ||||
Both into verye fine powder, as fine as flowre, & caste out the drosse, then | ||||
take fowre* ownces** or lesse of white wine vineger, forownces [?] of Barrowes*** | ||||
greace, or oyle olyve, or oyle of roses, or els take halfe of the grease, and | ||||
the other halfe of the oyle: Then mixeinge all these things together wthout | ||||
any heate of the fire, you must rubbe them with a spatula, or broad knife, | ||||
or some other thinge, in a porrenger*, or smh like thinge, a long while | ||||
tyll they bee incorporate, and no vineger seene. | ||||
4. The oyle of a red dogge. | ||||
Take an handfull of wormewoode*, an handfull of rewe**, an handfull of ***ver- | ||||
ven, an handfull of maydenheare*, an handfull of **Spike, two handfulls of | ||||
bline nettles, an handfull of white nettles, and an handfull of red nettles, | ||||
an handfull of house snayles*, and an handfull of other snayles, and twoe | ||||
pownde* of freshe greace, then take a red dogge, & strangle him, and flea | ||||
of his skynne*, so that you may roaste him, and when your hearbes**, snails, | ||||
and greace is well beaten together, stuffe the belly of the dogge full, & | ||||
sowe it close, and take the oyle that droppes from the dogge: it is excellet* | ||||
for anye ache, & so keep it in a glasse for your use. Probatum est*. | ||||
5. A verye good water approved for a canker, or to | ||||
washe anye sore olde or newe, & to staye an hot, | ||||
burninge, or scaldinge humor. | ||||
Take a quarte* or a pottle** of fayre runninge water, then take woodbine | ||||
leaves an handfull, bramble leaves, honysuckles, sage, & cellendine m;is | ||||
of each a like quantitye, but lesse of the cellendine: and a fewe croppes | ||||
of rosemarye, then let your water with your hearbes on a softe fire in an | ||||
earthen pot to boyle easilye, and when it is halfe consumed, put thereinto | ||||
halfe an ownce of roche allome*, a little honye, & let it boyle a litle more, & | ||||
so put it into a fayre glasse to keepe it for your use: but if the sore or cut | ||||
be troubled with an hot burninge, or scaldinge humor, then take ye water | ||||
which the smythes coole theire |
well before you put in your foresayde hearbes, & the better to alaye the | ||||
heate, put a litle houseleeke* thereunto, with a litle honye. | ||||
6. A very good salve for all sores, both to | ||||
heale and drawe approved. | ||||
Take lillie leaves, campion leaves, valerian, selfeheale*, otherwise, Chickeweed** | ||||
hearbegrace*, dandalion, daysies leaves & rootes, smallage**, marygoldes, grou=*** | ||||
cell, chickeweede, mercurye, ragworte leaves, *planten leaves, **Henbane leves | ||||
wormewoode, mugworte, and rybworte*[*], of each a litle quantitye, & wash | ||||
all these leaves cleane, & slynge* them with a linnen cloth tyll they be | ||||
drye, then shred or choppe them all together, then put them into a | ||||
boll, and put to them a good quantity of freshe hoggs greace or May* | ||||
butter ( if you may have it) for it is verye good, & so stirre them all | ||||
together untill the hearbes be browne, then strayne it through a linnen | ||||
clothe, and keepe it for as soveraigne* a salve as can be, and if you | ||||
lyke to have |
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Transcribed by KS and GB