The sixthe booke. | ||||
sufficientlye sodden*, put a litle thereof into colde water, and if it be not | ||||
so softe that it will cleave to your fingers, it is well, but if it do cleave | ||||
to your fingers, then it is too softe, and therefore let it boyle longer, | ||||
untyll it be very well boyled: then at the length take it from ye fire, | ||||
and powre it into a greate basin full of water, and when it is well | ||||
cooled, that you may handle it with your handes, anoynte then your | ||||
handes with oyle of cammamyll*, or oyle of roses, and kneade it well | ||||
with your handes three or fowre howres, & so laye it up in a cleane | ||||
vessell. It will last above fiftye yeares, and be then as good as the | ||||
first day it was made. | ||||
2. The vertues of this implaister* | ||||
out of Paracelsus. | ||||
The vertues of this playster are innumerable: It is good for olde sores, | ||||
and newe sores: it dryeth, it clenseth, it breedeth good fleshe, it con- | ||||
firmeth, & comforteth, & healeth more in one weeke, then anye other | ||||
in a whole month: It will not suffer any sore to putrifye nor corrupt, | ||||
nor any deade flesh, or ill fleshe to growe: For synewes cut, bruised, or | ||||
pricked with a thorne, or otherwise, it is moste excellent: It draweth | ||||
out of woundes, iron, wood or leade, & other things, if you doe but laye | ||||
it thereon. |
nemous beastes, It causeth all kindes of imposthumes* or biles** to ri- | ||||
pen, if you doe laye it thereon. And it is most excellent allso against | ||||
a canker*, fistula*, shingles or St Anthonies fire*, etc: And allso a soveraigne | ||||
and present helpe to asswage all kindes of payne & aches, and for all | ||||
kindes of woundes. ¶* Allso I Thomas Potter have founde by often | ||||
experience that it is a singuler & speedye helpe for bones out of ioynt*, | ||||
so that by onlye laying on of twoe playsters of it, or three at ye moste, | ||||
I have healed perfectlye & soundlye in 14 dayes armes out ioynte, so that | ||||
the parties have had no payne nor weakenes after there: Allso for | ||||
foynes* or thrustes you must not tente* (excepte they matter afore | ||||
you come to them) but onelye lay on this over it, and twoe plaisters comoly | ||||
are sufficient to heale it or anye other sore or swellinge, etc. | ||||
But if deade fleshe be in a sore, afore this plaister be layde on it, it will | ||||
not destroye nor plucke it out, but if it finde none there, it will not suffer | ||||
anye to breede: When you laye up this playster, wrap it in oyled paper, | ||||
or oyled leather, or both: for it will keepe it the better from overmuche | ||||
dryinge, & laye it out of the sunne or winde. | ||||
3. An oyntement Triapharnicon*, for heate, | ||||
burnings, itches, and tetters*, etc. | ||||
Take an ownce of white leade, an ownce of lythargye* of leade, make them | ||||
both into very | ||||
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Transcribed by GB and KS