The fifthe booke. | ||||
184. Agaynst the belcheinge of the stomacke. | ||||
Take the flowers, and rindes of pomegranets, and beate them into | ||||
powder, then boyle them in vineger, & take a sponge, and dippe it into | ||||
it, and bath your stomacke therewith, and the payne shall cease. | ||||
“185. To make a receipte for to sweate. + | ||||
2 | Take sixe ownces of pompillin*, and sixe ownces of barrows greace*, | |||
Blue | and two ownces of oyle of baye, & halfe an ownce of quickesilver*, & take | |||
ointment | your quickesilver, and put it in a brazen morter, and take as muche | |||
turpentine as twoe small nuts, and put it to your quickesilver, & | ||||
stirre it tyll you can see no quickesilver in it, & tyll it looke blewe, | ||||
and then take your oyle of baye, and put to it, & stirre them together | ||||
a good while, & then take your popillin, & barrowes greace, & beate | ||||
them all together, tyll they be all one, & this is your receipte. | ||||
186. When you shall sweate, doe as followeth. | ||||
3 | Firste make your chamber close that no ayre come in, where you | |||
shall lye and sweate, and make a good fire of coales in it, then strippe | ||||
your selfe naked by the fire, & take as much as an hasell nut, and | ||||
anoynte your selfe in everye ioynte* of the bodye when you shall | ||||
lye to sweate, and then lye downe in your bed, and cover you warme, | ||||
and let it be sixe howres before you sweate throughlye, & then sweat | ||||
well fowre howres, and then after fowre howres be past, withdwraw | ||||
your clothes by litle & litle for the space of eighte howres, and then | ||||
arise and keepe your selfe warme for the space of two or three | ||||
howres, and then anoynte you agayne as before, and lye downe and | ||||
sweate as you did, and do so fowre dayes, and see that you drinke | ||||
no colde drinke, nor eate no salte meate, nor leavened breade, nor | ||||
take no colde ayre in all your sweate, nor in sixe dayes after: and | ||||
beware that you take no colde ayre at your mouthe, but wash your | ||||
mouthe with warme alome* water, etc.” | ||||
187. For a canker*. | ||||
Take a hares foote, and burne it to powder, and drinke it with stale | ||||
ale, and hee shall soone be whole. | ||||
188. To make a purgation. | ||||
4 | Take an apple of colloquintida*, and put it into a pinte of good ale, | |||
and take halfe an handfull of senye*, & put to it, and seeth** it halfe | ||||
awaye, and strayne it, and drinke sixe or seaven spoonefulls thereof | ||||
fasting ye sixth daye after your sweate, & keep you verye warme all | ||||
that daye. | ||||
189. To heale morbum Gallicum* by drinke. + | ||||
Take guyacum* one pownde, and put it in a fayre earthen pot, and | ||||
put fowre wine quartes of fayre runninge water to it, & stoppe | ||||
it faste, and | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by GB and KS