The fifthe booke. | ||||
of eache of these a like muche, washe them cleane, and boyle all these, | ||||
and skymme them cleane, and then put to them halfe a pownde of reass | ||||
of the sunne* the stones picked out, two dates, with a quarter of a pounde | ||||
of small reasons*, and a quarter of an ownce of whole mace, as muche | ||||
cynamon unbeate, but broken: & commyn* seede, and annysseedes, as much | ||||
of eache as will lye on a tester*, but somewhat more of the annysseedes | ||||
than of the commyn seedes: nowe boyle all these together tyll the fleshe | ||||
be throughlye sodden*: then take out the fleshe, fruite, rootes and all, and | ||||
stampe* them in a morter all to pieces, then put them into the same | ||||
broth agayne, and let them boyle untyll it be consumed, so as there is | ||||
no moisture lefte, then take them up agayne, and strayne them through | ||||
a fayre clothe into a vessell, and so drinke it at times, but chieflye when | ||||
you goe to bed, and in the morninge, and before & after meales, and you | ||||
muste blowe of the fat, when the brothe is made. | ||||
169. An excellent powder for the collicke | ||||
and stone verye well proved. | ||||
Take coryander seedes, Alexander* seed, saxifrage seede, wilde time seeds, nettle | ||||
seede, broome seede, gromell* seede, philipendula* seede, parslye seede, fennell seed, | ||||
and the prickes of the thornebacke*, of eache like muche, and then dry all these | ||||
together in an oven, then beate them fine, and drinke thereof fasteinge with | ||||
malmesye or beere, and eate no meate in an houre after it. | ||||
170. To take out a thorne wherewith one is pricked. | ||||
If the thorne bee in the hande,etc: take polypodye* fayre stripped, and bruised: | ||||
and laye that to the contrarye parte where it was pricked: And unto the | ||||
verye place where the thorne entred, take blacke sope* in a wallnut shell, and | ||||
laye it thereto, and it shall cause the thorne to be drawne out: for the vertue | ||||
of the polypodye is to expell, and the blacke sope to drawe to him. | ||||
171. A medicine to cause one to sleepe. | ||||
Take popilion*, and womans milke that hath a manchilde, and stirre them toge- | ||||
ther in a sawcer, & beinge warme, anoynte the foreheade and temples therewith. | ||||
172. A medicine to take awaye the heate, and | ||||
shakeinge of an ague. | ||||
Take red wine, and milke, of eache like quantitye, and still them on a still | ||||
lymbecke*, then drinke it in ale, for it will bee as stronge as aqua composita*. | ||||
173. A medicine for bowlinge* legges. | ||||
Take twoe ownces of oyle olliffe*, two ownces of unwroughte waxe**, and an | ||||
ownce of ceruse*, boyle them all together in a panne, continuallye stirringe | ||||
them untyll it bee as blacke as pitche, then take twoe clothes of like bignes | ||||
as shall be fit to goe aboute your legges, then put your clothes into the | ||||
liquor when it cometh of from the fire, and then as hot as you can get it | ||||
out, and spreade it smoothe abroade with your handes, doe, and laye it so | ||||
hot as you may suffer to your legges. | ||||
174. To alaye the heate of an ague. | ||||
Take an handfull of each of these hearbes, succorye*, borrage*, violet leaves, | ||||
and halfe | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by GB and KS