The fifthe booke. .fo. 87. | ||||
sage, an handfull of grounsell*, and boyle them together halfe an | ||||
howre, then take clarifyed sheepes sewet, and leaven* of a seaven- | ||||
nighte olde, and put into the sayde hearbes, and stirre it untyll it | ||||
bee thicke, and put thereto twoe spoonefulls of vineger, then take | ||||
it up, & spreade it on a cloth playsterwise, & so laye it on the breaste. | ||||
163. For the payne of the heade that | ||||
cometh of a quarterne* ague. | ||||
Take vineger, and womans milke, of eache of them a like quantitye, | ||||
and warme it on a chafeing* dishe, and when it is warme, take rose | ||||
cakes*, and laye them in it, and when they be hot as may be suffered, | ||||
then laye them to the temples of the heade of the patiente. | ||||
164. An other for payne of the heade. | ||||
Take a nutmegge, and grinde it fine, and sowe it in a clothe in twoe | ||||
partes, halfe in one parte, and halfe in an other: and make it fit for | ||||
the temples of the heade: And then warme it in good wine vineger, | ||||
on a chafeinge dishe tyll it be throughe hot, and laye them on both the | ||||
temples as hot as it may be suffered. | ||||
165. A medicine to take away wartes. | ||||
Take egrimonye*, and stampe** it, and strayne it with good wine vine- | ||||
ger, and anoynte the wartes everye daye once or twyse three dayes | ||||
together, and so shall they weare away within a shorte time. | ||||
166. A medicine for the stone. | ||||
Take rosemarye, and time, of eache a good handfull, and stampe them | ||||
with a quarte of three halfepennye ale, or strayne it into the ale: | ||||
and take a quarter of the lights* of a foxe, and a spoonefull of an- | ||||
nisseedes, and beate them both into powder, and drinke it with the | ||||
sayde ale colde. | ||||
167. An other for the stone. | ||||
Take ramsons*, saxifrage, wilde time, mouseare*, and parslye, and still** | ||||
all these five hearbes in May, everye one severallye by himselfe, then | ||||
take of everye water a like quantitye: and take so much malmesye* as | ||||
one of the quantityes of that the waters cometh to, and then put the | ||||
waters and the malmesye all together into the still, and still it agayne: | ||||
and then take the water that cometh thereof, and drinke three or foure | ||||
spoonefulls at a time, and so doe as ofte as it doth payne thee, and it | ||||
will breake the stone: many take the water alone without stillinge wth | ||||
malmesye for necessitye, but the other is farre better. | ||||
168. To make a brothe to restore strengthe. | ||||
Take the hinder parte of a knuckle of veale, and with it one of these, | ||||
eyther a chicken, a connye*, a cocke, or mutton: and put the veale, ad one | ||||
of these together into a pot, then take the rootes of parslye, of fennell, | ||||
of [brisens?], otherwise knee hollye*, of Alexanders*, the roots, with the | ||||
leaves of borrage*, of buglosse*, of sowethistle*, broome, marygoldes, of | ||||
pimpernell*, of purslayne*, of mintes, of time, and some blades of psly, | ||||
of each of |
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Transcribed by GB and KS