The fifthe booke. .fo. 86. | ||||
thereto a like quantity of May butter* that is first well clarified, and when | ||||
the butter is somewhat well heated, then put it into the licor, and seeth* | ||||
them well together tyll it bee somewhat thicke, then put it into a fayre | ||||
pot, and use it as you shall have occasion. | ||||
158. A way how to expell choller* & malancholy much | ||||
used of a verye olde man, whome it did much pfit: | ||||
And is verye good for any to use with reason, | ||||
and discretion. | ||||
Infuse a pottle* of white wine with a little endiffe**, and a penny wayghte* | ||||
of rubarbe, and halfe a pennye waighte of agricke*: and put it in a little | ||||
linnen cloth, rownde tyed in manner like a bagge so bigge as a nut, and | ||||
let it hange in the middest* of the water with a threed poysed** downe | ||||
with a ringe of silver or golde: And let it so stand in it twoe or three | ||||
dayes, and drinke it at times convenient with ale or wine. | ||||
159. A medicine for the pestilence*. | ||||
Take sage, rewe, elderleaves,bryer leaves, of each a good handfull: & stamp* | ||||
them all together, and strayne them throughe a fayre clothe, with a quarte | ||||
of white wine: then take an ownce of white ginger, beaten into small pow- | ||||
der, and put it therein, and drinke thereof a spoonefull everye day fastinge | ||||
nine dayes together, and after that you have drunke the firste spoonefull, | ||||
you are safe for foureteene dayes, but after the nine dayes be past, you | ||||
are safe for the whole yeare by the grace of God. | ||||
160. A verye excellent and good plaister for | ||||
all manner of woundes and sores, etc. | ||||
Take bettanye*, planten*, and smallage*, of each of these three hearbes a | ||||
pounde of the iuice* of them, and put it into a fayre panne, then take | ||||
three ounces of cleane new waxe that came late from the hive, or | ||||
honye, and twoe ownces of incens white and cleane, and two ownces of | ||||
pitche, and two ownces of cleane rozen*, and melte these all together | ||||
by themselves with a softe fire, then put put the iuice of the hearbes to | ||||
it: and boyle them all together untyll the iuice be wasted, or well med- | ||||
led* in with it, allwayes stirringe it faste : and when it is well medled, | ||||
take it from the fire, and strayne it through a clothe, so done take three | ||||
ownces of turpentine, and temper* them together, and when it is colde | ||||
put it up, and keepe it as golde and silver: This plaister came out | ||||
of Gine*: it is the most soveraigne salve in the worlde: it is well | ||||
known in Englande: It was had of a Jewe in Florence: It is the | ||||
most pretious* healer that maye bee: for it healeth without putting | ||||
in any tente* into any wounde whatsoever, bee they never so deepe, | ||||
if they bee well looked to: use it thus, take the salve, and chafe it on | ||||
your hande, and then spreade it on a clothe, then wash the wounde | ||||
everye morninge and eveninge, eyther with white wine or red, and | ||||
see that it bee | ||||
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Transcribed by GB and KS