The fifthe booke. | ||||
a pownde of colloppe honye*, and a pinte of oyle, and put all these | ||||
into the iuice* of the hearbes, and set them over the fire, and seeth** them, | ||||
and stirre them well for running over, and tyll they be thicke & well | ||||
medled* together, then take a gallon of fayre water, and put it into a | ||||
broade vessell, then take a yarde of linen cloth, called minster* of the | ||||
strongest for a strayner, then let two holde the sayd strayner of water, | ||||
then let an other take a ladle, and put the salve into the strayner, and so | ||||
strayne it into the water, and when it is colde, anoynt your hands either | ||||
with oyle of May butter*, and so take it up, and make it in rowles** as you | ||||
thinke beste. | ||||
154. To make an excellent oyntement of | ||||
the aforesayde hearbes. | ||||
Take all the hearbes beforesayde that you had to make the salve, and shred | ||||
them as small as hearbes to the pot, then put them into a fayre bras pane, | ||||
and put to them a gallon of oyle olliffe*, and two pownd of May butter, | ||||
halfe a pownde of newe waxe, and put all these together in ye panne | ||||
to the hearbes, and let them stande so nine dayes, and once every day | ||||
stirre them well together, and at the nine dayes end, take & set them | ||||
on the fire, and boyle them together tyll they be all melted and well | ||||
medled together, then strayne them into a fayre vessell, & leave nothing | ||||
behinde in the strayner that you can get throughe, then put your oile | ||||
into some sweete pot that hath had eyther oyle, or freshe grease in it | ||||
before, and so keepe it close stopte tyll you shall have occasion to occupye | ||||
it, you must make this oyle between May & Bartholomewtide*. | ||||
155. A medicine for a pricke or stripe* in ye apple of ye eye. | ||||
Take the marrowe of a goose winge that hath bene long killed, and | ||||
put thereof in the eye of the patient: if that helpe it not, then take and | ||||
put to the sayde marrowe a little newe fastinge spittle*, and temper it | ||||
well together, and put that into the eye of the patiente, and by Gods | ||||
grace hee shall have helpe in shorte time. | ||||
156. A medicine for a fellon*. | ||||
Take a quarter of a pinte of good wine vineger, and somewhat more than | ||||
halfe so much of the crummes of whole white breade, and allmoste so | ||||
muche honye as the breade cometh to, and seeth them all together on the | ||||
fire untill they be thicke, and then make thereof a plaister, and laye to | ||||
the fellon. | ||||
157. To make a very good salve. | ||||
Take nighteshade*, rybworte*, myllfollye*, otherwise called yarrowe*, |
smallage*, three croppes* thereof, allso an hearbe that groweth in ye fallow | ||||
called cudworte*, a few woodbine* leaves, and a few planten* leaves, of | ||||
of each of all these like muche, then take and beate them all together, then | ||||
beinge well beaten, strayne them through a fayre clothe, then put | ||||
thereto a like | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by GB and KS