The fifthe booke. .fo. 85. | ||||
healer, and a good salve. This salve is called the grace of God, for | ||||
an angell broughte it from heaven to king Alexander, for the people | ||||
of his lande was nighe loste with deadlye woundes of speares, dartes, | ||||
daggers, & many other maladies, as it hath bene proved of surgeons. | ||||
150. A medicine for the mother*. | ||||
Take an handfull of piamounte*, otherwise called wilde time, of planten*, | ||||
and mallowes as muche, and three daysy rootes fayre washed or scraped, | ||||
and a quantity of graynes*, stampe** them and strayne them, and so drinke | ||||
it with a little suger to alaye the bitternes, or els seeth* them in good | ||||
ale, and so drinke it. | ||||
151. A playster merrative* for sore breastes. | ||||
Take the leaves of mallowes, and wormewoode*, of eache a greate hand- | ||||
full, and seeth them in fayre water untyll they bee as tender as the pappe | ||||
of an apple, then laye them upon a boarde, and let the water runne cleane | ||||
from them, then chop them small with a knife, for they will not grinde | ||||
for fat, then stampe them with swines greace, and temper them together | ||||
untill you cannot knowe the one from the other. This medicine or | ||||
playster is most pretious for sore pappes* that rotteth, and mattereth, | ||||
for it mundifyeth* it by the power or vertue thereof, and asswageth. | ||||
the payne not onelye of the pappes, but allso of all hard botches, or bites | ||||
under the throate, or armeholes, or in anye other place of the body, where | ||||
it lyeth harde in the fleshe, this must bee layde to luke warme on a | ||||
double linnen cloth, and changed twyse in a daye: This playster hath | ||||
no peere in such thinges. | ||||
152. A medicine for a burninge or scaldeinge. | ||||
Take an handfull of alehoofe*, and shred it small, an handfull of new sheeps | ||||
dunge, and halfe a spoonefull of the white of hens dunge, and halfe a | ||||
quarter of a pownde of fresh butter, and stirre them well together, | ||||
then seeth them with a spoonefull of honye, and so much deares sewet, | ||||
or sheepes sewet as a tennis ball to make the medicine somewhat thicke, | ||||
then strayne it into a fayre vessell, and use it thus : first take & wash | ||||
the sore of the patient with warme water, then drye it with a fine linnen | ||||
clothe, and then take the medicine, and strike it on a primerose leafe, | ||||
and lay it on the sore, and change it so ofte as need shall require. | ||||
153. To make a very good salve or playster. | ||||
First take rosemarye, time, lavender, dill, balme, brookelime*, yarrowe*, | ||||
loveage*, smallage*, vervayne*, cammamyll*, orpen*, planten*, nighteshade*, | ||||
hearbe Roberte*, adders tongue*, polypodye*, otherwise ferne of ye oake, | ||||
woodbines, otherwise honysuckles, dayseies, comfrye, take of each, of | ||||
all these hearbes an handfull, and beate them small in a mortar, then | ||||
put into them a quarte of verges*, or more if neede so require, then straine | ||||
them together into a fayre vessell, then take two pownd of new waxe, | ||||
a pownde | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by GB and KS