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Image 166, fifth book, folio 84b, receipts 145 to 149

The fifthe booke.
“145. A good oyntement agaynst ye vanityes* of ye heade.
Take the iuice* of wormewoode**, and salte, honye, waxe, and incens, and boyle
them together over the fire, and therewith anoynte the sicke heade & temples.”
146. An excellent and approved medicine
for the winde collicke.
Take a quarte of white wine, an ownce, or a pennyworth of licoris* stickes faire
scraped, and cut in chippes: and an ownce, or a pennyworth of annisseed, halfe
an ownce of fennell seedes, or ob[S], and bruise them together a little in a morter:
and then take a radishe roote, and a carrot roote, & cut them in chipppes, then
put them all into the wine in a fayre vessell, and set it over the fire, & cover
it as close as you maye, and let it boyle softlye tyll it be allmost one quarter
wasted, then take it of the fire, and strayne it into a fayre glasse & drinke
thereof warme a good quantity when you are payned, and you shall have
presente ease.
Addita* 147. An excellent oyntment and well approved for an ague
in a womans breaste, or in mens leggs, or in anye
other part of the bodye of man or woman.
Take hearbe Roberte*, agrimonye*, alehoofe*, sage, hemblocke**, parsly, & holyhoc***
leaves, a good handfull of each, of these leaves hearbes, and washe them
not, neyther stampe* them, but choppe them as small as hearbes for the
pot, then take a pownde of newe butter never washed, nor salted, and as
much fresh barrowes* grease, and put the butter and grease into an ear-
then pipkin*, and when it is melted on the fire, then put into it all your
hearbes, and let them boyle till your hearbes be very well boyled, & stirre
them now and then, and then take it from the fire, and being somewhat
colde, strayne it into some vessell, that there bee none spilte: and then
put it into gallypots*, or glasses, and keepe it to your use.
148. A good medicine agaynste in handes,
lippes, and womens breastes.
Take quince kyrnells*, bruise them, & steepe them in red rose water, & make
them warme, then strayne it, and anoynte the chappes therewith, and
they will be whole.
149. An excellent playster called gratia dei*.
In some booke is put in Take the iuice* of betanye**, the iuice of vervayne**, the iuice of pympernell**, of
j lb of unwroughte waxe each one pownde, of rosen* three ownces, + of perosin* three ownces, of
at this marke . frankencens halfe a pownde, of small powder of colloppe hony* halfe a pound,
Agayne at this marke of sheepes tallowe the sweetest that may be founde, and a pinte of sweete
+ a pownde of rosin & wine called bastarde*: and boyle them all together in a panne over ye fire
of perosin fowre ownces. untyll it be somewhat thicke: then take it from the fire, & clense it throughe
a fayre clothe, and set it over the fire agayne, and put thereto three ownces
of good oyle, and all the powder above sayde, & so boyle it softlye the space
of three pater nosters while*, and then take it, and put it into a pewter char-
ger* untyll it be colde, & and after that take it out, and cut it in lenges & roule**
it in roules of leather or parchmente, and so keepe it, for it is a pretious
healer, and

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Transcribed by GB and KS