The fifthe booke. . fo. 83. | ||||
a little poppye: this ptison* breedeth good bloude in them that be whole, and | ||||
maketh a good & cleare sighte in them that have a whole brayne: this | ||||
ptison is to be given to them that are whole, as well as to them yt are sicke. | ||||
“114. To doe awaye the webbes* in the eye. | ||||
Take cuttelbanus*, and put it in an earthen pot full, and stoppe it rounde | ||||
about with claye, and burne it tyll it be powder, and then breake it, & serse* | ||||
it small, and put it into the eye, and it breakes away the webbe: and it | ||||
cleares the eyes: this hath bene proved.” | ||||
115. For a drye liver. | ||||
Take a quarte of ale, and a pinte of white wine, an handfull of liverworte, | ||||
isop*, and pennyroyall, of each an handfull, lycoras** a good quantitye, some | ||||
honye, two pennyworth of sugercandye, then seeth* these well together, and | ||||
drinke thereof very warme firste and laste fowre dayes together, and in | ||||
that time drinke no newe drinke, nor eate newe breade. | ||||
116. For the fallinge evill*. | ||||
Take the roote of pyonye*, and the seed thereof, and make pouder thereof, then | ||||
let the patient drinke thereof with stale ale halfe a spoonefull at a time warme | ||||
first and laste for eyghte dayes together, and let the patiente beare the roote | ||||
aboute him eighte weekes, and when the fitte is come on the patiente, take & | ||||
pricke his lefte hande, and write these three names, Jasper, Melchior, & Balthasar. | ||||
117. For the humors that come from ye heade. | ||||
Take comfirke* powder, of masticke, with white wine, & the white of an | ||||
egge, & the powder of olibanum*, & lay this playsterwise to the temples: | ||||
Allso masticke often times chewed in the teeth maketh them white, & steadye, | ||||
& wasteth the superfluous humors, & purgeth the ill humors of ye brayne, etc. | ||||
118. For the bloodye fluxe*. | ||||
Take purceline* water, and drinke thereof three or foure dayes continueinge, | ||||
it is good agaynst the fluxe: Allso the temples of the heade being washed with | ||||
it ceaseth the fluxe, and beinge dronke it cooleth the liver. | ||||
“119. To comforte the brayne. | ||||
Take and drinke an ownce & an halfe of rosewater mixed with white wine | ||||
both comforteth & strengthneth the brayne, & maketh man couragious, & | ||||
comforteth all the substance of the harte.” | ||||
120. Agaynste the stone and gravell. | ||||
Take and drinke two ownces of the water of dogges berries* in ye morninge | ||||
and at nighte: It clenseth and breaketh the stone and the gravell, & causeth | ||||
one to pisse plentifullye. | ||||
121. For one that hath his guts fallen into his cods*. | ||||
Take and drinke the water of elacampane*, & red mynte water is good for it. | ||||
122. For one that pisseth bloude. | ||||
Take and drinke of the water of the leaves of an oake an ownce and | ||||
an halfe eveninge and morninge, and hee shall bee whole by the | ||||
grace of God. | ||||
To make | ||||
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Transcribed by GB and KS