The fifthe booke. | . fo. 82. | |||
be whole: for it is a thinge well proved. | ||||
95. For the fallinge sickenes*. | ||||
Drinke betonye water one and fortye dayes continuallye, for it is very good a- | ||||
gaynst the fallinge sickenes. | ||||
96. For one that is taken. | ||||
Take an handfull of parslye, an handfull of saverye*, halfe an handfull of hisop**, | ||||
and of unset leekes* halfe an handfull, of marygolds halfe an handfull, and of | ||||
unset time*, rosemarye, clivers**, woodroofe, red sage, sinkefielde***, & succorye****, of | ||||
each of all these half an handfull, and three braunches of lavendercotton*, and | ||||
three braunches of lungeworte*, and halfe an handfull of violets: stampe all these | ||||
together, and seeth* them in three pintes of white wine, and put into it a blacke | ||||
flinte stone, and strayne them, and put to it twoe nutmeggs, and twoe races* | ||||
of ginger, of graynes* ob.[S] beate all these to powder, and put these spices into | ||||
a litle bagge, and put it into the drinke, and let it hange in it, and take halfe | ||||
a handfull of dill, and as much verven*, and as much succorye, & nightshade, | ||||
and binde them together, and laye it in the drinke, then drinke of it first and | ||||
laste twoe spoonefulls at a time, and eate a little marmalade after it. | ||||
97. A playster* for the same. | ||||
Take of nighteshade halfe an handfull, and of dyll, of verven, of hearbe John*, | ||||
of chickeweede, of hearbe bennet*, of each of these an handfull, and of hogworte** | ||||
of red mintes, of each |
take and choppe all these together, and seeth them in water, and put thereto a | ||||
penny loafe of white breade, and halfe a pownde of sweete butter, and stirre | ||||
them all together, and when it is well sodden, lay it on a cleane cloth, & make | ||||
a plaister* of it, and laye it on the griefe**, etc. | ||||
98. To comforte the hearte, and all other | ||||
partes of the bodye. | ||||
Take of the water of angelico*, and drinke thereof everye morninge: it is | ||||
verye good for that use. | ||||
99. To drive away malancholye. | ||||
Take and use to drinke eyther the iuice* or water of horehounde** certayne times, | ||||
and it is good agaynste madnes. | ||||
100. For one that cannot pisse bycause of the stone. | ||||
Drinke the water of tansye, for it is good agaynste the payne of the stone, and | ||||
causeth a man to pisse well. | ||||
101. For him that hath lost his minde. | ||||
Take the iuice of goldes*, of sage, and of wormewoode**, of each a spoonfull, and | ||||
take as much of white wine, and put to it, and let him drinke it at even, & | ||||
as much in the morninge colde, and doe this five dayes together, and he shall | ||||
be whole. | ||||
old dandies | 102. To cause hayre to growe. | |||
cosmetics | Take the water of flowerdeluce*, and washe thy heade therewith, and it shall cause | |||
hayre to growe: Also the water of rosemary hath the same vertue, if thou | ||||
washe thy heade with the same water, and let it drye on agayne by it selfe, | ||||
it causeth | ||||
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Transcribed by GB and KS