The fifthe booke. | ||||
Take parslye rootes, and of the rennet* of an hare, of each halfe an ownce, | ||||
of storax and calaminte* three drams, of newe oyle of sweete allmondes | ||||
three ownces, of barlye meale an ownce & an halfe, make thereof a | ||||
playster, and laye it on the breaste &c. | ||||
89. To helpe the hearinge. | ||||
Take of white eleborus, of saffron, of saulter, of calcocaum*, of each an | ||||
ownce, boyle all these together, then dippe therein blacke wooll, and put | ||||
thereof warme into thye eares. | ||||
90. For dimnes of the sighte. | ||||
Take of rape seede, and make comfictes* therewith, as you doe with annysseeds, | ||||
of which the diseased useinge to eate shall finde a marveilous ease. | ||||
Or else take of the ashes of the heades of swallowes two drams, & of | ||||
good honye three ownces, of the iuice* of fennell one ownce, put them into | ||||
a vyall* of glasse, & stoppe it close at the mouth, and boyle it in balmemary** | ||||
untyll halfe be wasted*, that take that which remayneth, & droppe into | ||||
thine eyes earlye in the morninge, and before supper, and at thy goinge | ||||
to bed, and use it every daye, &c. | ||||
one | ||||
"91. For ⁁ that is franticke or mad. | ||||
Take lawrell and drye it to powder in an oven, & let him eate it in warme | ||||
meate or broth when the moone is in cancer*, & make him a broth with | ||||
some kind of fennell, and put therein onyons, and woodbines, & woodbetony, | ||||
and endiffe*, and graynes** good store, and so let him eate of the broth continuallye | ||||
What say the phre- | duringe nine dayes or more, and keepe him from halloweinge & noyses, and | |||
nologists to S?* | take roses with all, or rose cake, commyn, hempeseed, of each like muche, | |||
and beate them in a morter, and mixe it with stronge vineger, and warme | ||||
binde it to the temples of his heade, and use this fifteen dayes, and by | ||||
Gods grace hee shall be whole." | ||||
92. To drawe out yron*, or a thorne, or anye | ||||
thinge that pricketh in the fleshe. | ||||
Take the roote of ferne, and the rinde of a fennell roote, and honye, & binde | ||||
all these together, and frye them in a panne tyll it be thicke, and laye it to | ||||
the sore place, and it will drawe it out, &c. | ||||
93. Agaynst drunkennes. | ||||
If thou wille never be drunken, take and eate betonye* firste ere thou drinke, | ||||
and thou shalle not be drunken all that daye. | ||||
94. For one that is broken eyther olde or yonge. | ||||
Take nine red snayles between two tyles of claye, so that they neyther | ||||
creepe nor slyde awaye, and bake them so eyther in the hot embers, or in an | ||||
oven tyll you may make powder of them, then take the powder of one of the | ||||
snayles, & put it in a cup of so much white wine, & let the patient drinke | ||||
it morninge and eveninge, and let the patient faste two houres after it, and | ||||
let him drinke those nine snayles in eighteene dayes, that is every other | ||||
day one: and if the broke be so olde, that these will not heale it, let him take | ||||
other nine snayles, and drinke them in eighteene dayes more, and hee shall | ||||
bee whole: | ||||
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Transcribed by JM