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Document 45 p 5

County. I found a very numerous & respectable Meeting of
Magistrates unanimously of the same Opinion, there can be but
one Sir with respect to the Plan & Mode of Construction to
which my Contract confines me. Nor do I hold myself solely
responsible should that Mode be deem’d an improper one, it was
devised by Mr Smeaton, it was adopted by you, & undertaken
by me. Whether or no a better can be imagined is not a Matter
for me to consider. I certainly will not be the undertaker of any
other, nor does the Opinion of any man who declares that it is in the
Power of Art to build a Permanent Bridge over the River Tyne, in
that part of it, at all apply to the present Case, but I find
myself going beyond the Remit of my Letter, & entering upon
a Consideration which belongs to the County not me to decide
I have directed my Agent to attend at Sessions & make a
proposition to the Magistrates in conformity to what pass’d at
the Meeting at Newcastle, the Ground Sir of this offer is to
make good the Damage occasioned to Hexham Bridge by the
Flood which destroyed a great part of it by a Tender of such
a Sum of Money as the reinstating it is estimated at by workmen
the most known & best qualify’d of any in that part of the
County to form such an Estimate, the money to be paid by
Instalments in the same Manner the payments were made
to me. By this method Sir I conceive I make Satisfaction
for the injury the Bridge has sustained and that in a manner
I should judge most eligible for the Publick
If it is thought prudent by the Magistrates to repair this
Bridge, the Sum I believe will be found amply sufficient
for the purpose. Should they think it advisable to adopt
another Mode the Money is at their Service Disposal to be
employ’d as their Wisdom shall direct. I am sensible
I have trespass’d long on the patience of the Bench, yet
I feel as if I had somewhat more I could wish to add

Note: Letter from Mr Errington to Mr Aynsley, 22 September 1783, p 5

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