The fifthe booke. .fo.81. | ||||
grieved daylye, and within two monthes it will be whole by Gods grace. | ||||
"78. For one that is or will be drunken. | ||||
Take swallowes and burne them, and make a powder of them, and give the | ||||
drunken man thereof to drinke, and he shall never be drunken heereafter." | ||||
79. To make handes white and softe. | ||||
Take sope well purged, and take the ashes of a vine, & myxe them well | ||||
together tyll they be well incorporate the one with the other, and washe | ||||
your handes with it in the morninge, and they will be most softe & white | ?g | |||
as snowe: which thinge is well proved. | ||||
80. For the itche. | ||||
Take blacke sope.ob. and boares greace a pennyworthe, beate them together | ||||
in water, and anoynteing with it healeth the itche. | ||||
81. For one that is swollen in the bodye. | ||||
Take burre rootes*[*], & scrape them cleane, and slyce them thinne, and seeth them | ||||
in ale untyll it be halfe wasted*, & then strayne it, and drinke thereof evening | ||||
and morninge. Probatum est*. | ||||
82. To cure the disease of the spleene. | ||||
Take lignum aloe*, and make thereof a powder, and put it in some manner | ||||
of broth, or wine, as much as will lye on a groate*, and let him take of it three | ||||
mornings together: Allso the seed of an ashe tree will doe the like: And the | ||||
roote of palma Christi* if it be taken nine morninges fasteinge. | ||||
83. For the strangurian*. | ||||
Take the barke of a powndgardner*, and beate it to powder, and a litle psly | ||||
dryed into powder, and drinke thereof with a pinte of red wine warme firste | ||||
and last five dayes. | ||||
84. For the eyesighte. | ||||
Take a litle alehoofe, and a litle housleeke*, and bruise them, and put a litle | ||||
of the iuice* thereof into the eyes. | ||||
85. A presente remedy for all manner | ||||
of griefes aboute the stomacke. | ||||
Take a quantitye of wormewoode, as much sage, and as much hearbegrace*, | ||||
and seeth*[*] these hearbes in a pinte of white wine untyll it bee halfe | ||||
wasted, and then take out the hearbes, & put to the licor a pennyworth of | ||||
treacle*, & drinke as longe as it lasteth eveninge and morninge, &c. | ||||
86. A remedye for the hoarsenes of ye voyce. | ||||
Take pennyroyall & seeth it in fayre water, and when it is well sod*, take | ||||
out some in a dishe, & put a litle suger to it, and drinke thereof hot three or | ||||
fowre nightes to bedwarde*, & it will cleare the voyce. | ||||
87. Agaynst the stingeing of a scorpion. | ||||
Take pennyroyall eyther drye or greene, and stampe* it with good wine, and | ||||
make thereof a playster, and laye it upon the wounde or stingeinge of the scor= | ||||
pion, & hee shall bee safe, and sounde, and healed. | ||||
88. A good medicine to cause milke to come in a womans breaste. | ||||
Take parslye | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JM