The fifthe booke. | ||||
the stone in gravell*: for proofe heereof, when the pisse and the bloude | ||||
is in the bladder, put a stone into it, it beinge warme, and that stone | ||||
shall be consumed to gravell, &c. | ||||
53. For the stone. | ||||
Take vervayne, betonye, saxifrage, egrimonye*, of each like much, then | ||||
stampe* them together, & strayne them with a litle water, this is a good | ||||
drinke for the stone &c. | ||||
"54. A medicine agaynst all manner of infirmityes. | ||||
A piece of foolish | Take & drinke a cupfull of the iuice* of betonye, the first thursday in May, | |||
witchcraft. | & he shall be delivered from all manner of disease for that yeare." | |||
55. For the evill that is in a mans eares. | ||||
Take the iuice of centorye*, & mingle it with the greace of an eele, or | ||||
the iuice of rue, or wilde tansye, and put it into the eares, &c. | ||||
56. To cause one to goe to stoole*. | ||||
Take spurge* & bruise it in a vessell, and take cleane well water luke- | ||||
warme, and laye the spurge in it, and then wringe it three or fowre times, | ||||
then strayne it through a cloth, and then warme let the sicke drinke | ||||
thereof, and walke a while after it, and he shall have a siege*, &c. | ||||
57. An other for ye same. | ||||
Take grey sope, & scrape thereof into his pottage, when it is hot, and | ||||
stirre them togeher tyll the sope be melted, then let him eate of it, | ||||
and within a while he shall have a seige*, &c. | ||||
58. For the canker* in a womans pappes** to kill it. | ||||
Take the dunge of a white goate, and the iuice of cellondine, and braye* | ||||
them together, and laye it to the sore pappe, & it will kill the canker: | ||||
myllisum potatum stringit fluxum sanguinis.* | ||||
59. For the megrime*. | ||||
Take the iuice of primerose leaves, and put it into the nose lying up= | ||||
righte a while, & then let him turne him grovelinge, & hold an eggeshell | ||||
under his nose, and there will come out foule matter, and it will cleare | ||||
the sighte, and steye the ache ever after. | ||||
60. For the scabbes on a mans bodye. | ||||
Take horehounde, cellondine, mugworte, sorrell, delvise, elacampane*, | ||||
of each like much & seeth* then in fayre water tyll halfe bee wasted, | ||||
& therewith washe the bodye with it very warme every day tyll hee bee | ||||
whole, &c. | ||||
61. For the red blaynes* in a mans face. | ||||
Take the roote of borrage, salte, & temper* them together with easyll**, | ||||
and wash thy face therewith, &c. | ||||
62. For ach in a mans ioyntes* or bodye. | ||||
Take sage, yarrowe, & wormewood, of each a good quantitye, & seth them | ||||
in wine lees*, & wash thee therewith in the sore places, and laye ye hearbs | ||||
thereto as hot as thou mayst suffer them when he goeth to bed: & on | ||||
the morrowe take deares sowet* & melte it in a panne, and take a | ||||
linnen cloth | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JM