89 | ||||
Sir | ||||
I take the Liberty to address this Letter to you as Chairman | ||||
and entreat the favour of you to communicate the Contents of it to the | ||||
Magistrates assembled at Quarter Sessions. It not being in my | ||||
Power to wait upon them in Person I take this Method of saying a | ||||
few words upon the Subject of my Undertaking and my agreement with | ||||
the County. I meant to have begg’d the patience of the Gentlemen | ||||
of the Grand Jury at the Adjournment of Sessions held in the Assize | ||||
Week to have mention’d what had occurr’d to me on that Subject had | ||||
the Circumstances of either of those meetings afforded me an opportunity | ||||
but the one being discharged, and the other adjourn’d, without my receiving | ||||
any Notice of either, those opportunities were lost, and the Meeting held | ||||
the ensuing day upon other Business gave me indeed time to make | ||||
known the nature of my Proposition but appear’d too much hurried | ||||
to attend to any thing further on the Subject. Sir I can’t help observing | ||||
that the great unwillingness in many Gentlemen to enter upon the | ||||
Business at all, surpris’d me a good deal. I came not to ask any | ||||
Favours, & it was well known that I had undertaken the Journey on | ||||
Purpose to meet the County, and take their Sense upon a Proposition I | ||||
intended to make at the ensuing Sessions. I flatter myself I need | ||||
not say, that no Disrespect was by this step meant to the Magistrates, | ||||
many of whom I have the honour to be well known to, and entertain | ||||
the highest Esteem for, my true Meaning Sir was to take the Sense of | ||||
as many Gentlemen of the County as possible, which no other time | ||||
afforded so good an opportunity to do as the Week of Assizes. | ||||
One part of this Transaction between the County & [me?] I [??] | ||||
to explain was my application to Parliament. I find [I am?] | ||||
blam’d by many for the Manner of conducting that Business as | ||||
well as the form in which the Bill was drawn; I need not here | ||||
recapitulate all that pass’d at Midsummer Sessions 1782, I believe | ||||
we are so far agreed, as that it was with the Consent of the Bench | ||||
that application was to be made to Parliament for |
for the County & myself, but that I was to be the Sole Petitioner, being | ||||
the aggriev’d party, & that certainly no opposition would be | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and KS