The fifthe booke. .fo.79. | ||||
and then strayne them through a cleane cloth into a clean vessell: And | ||||
give the sicke to drinke on his evill daye: if it be a quotidian*, give it | ||||
him nine dayes together, & hee shall bee whole by Gods grace. | ||||
45. For the bloudy fluxe*. | ||||
Take a hens egge, & roste it as harde as you can: then pill* it, and cut it | ||||
asunder in the middest*, when you have taken out the yelke**, then take the | ||||
one halfe of the yelke, & take out of that a core that is in the middest, and | ||||
fill the hole where the core came out with saffron, and laye it to ye navell | ||||
as hot as he can abide it, doe so fowre dayes, & he shall be whole by Gods | ||||
grace. | ||||
46. For pissinge of bloude, or strangurye*. | ||||
Take red docke seede gathered betweene the St Marye dayes*, and make | ||||
it in powder: and put thereto sweete milke tyll it bee somewhat thicke | ||||
as pappe*, and eate thereof first and laste, &c. | ||||
47. For a fellon, or an uncombe* | ||||
Take whole levet, and braye it in a morter as small as you can, & then | ||||
take May butter, & temper them together with a softe fire, and it will | ||||
bee a royall salve for all such sores and uncombes, and will make them | ||||
whole on warrentise*. | ||||
48. For one that hath the perilous coughe. | ||||
Take rue, & sage, commyn*, & the powder of pepper, and seeth** them together | ||||
in honye, and make a lectuarye*, and take a spoonefull thereof at even, and | ||||
as muche in the morninge, &c. | ||||
49. For rumbling in the bellye. | ||||
Take rue, and stampe* it with salte, and temper** it with stale ale, or water, | ||||
and give the sicke to drinke, & they shall be whole by Gods grace. | ||||
50. For all manner of gowtes. | ||||
Take a moule*, & pull him cleane, and open him as thou wouldest eate | ||||
him, & salte him well, then put him into an earthen pot, and lay a tile stone | ||||
thereon, & set it in an oven when one seteth in breade: And when you draw | ||||
it out, looke if it bee drye enoughe to make powder, if it be not, let it stande | ||||
tyll it bee, & then make powder of it, & temper it with boares greace, and | ||||
then anoynte ye sores by the fire, and he shall be whole by Gods grace. | ||||
51. For all manner of swellings. | ||||
Take grounsell, chickeweede, dayseyes, ruberbe, petymerell*, and hearbe | ||||
levet, stampe them, & set them over the fire, & let them boyle well together, | ||||
and as hot as the sicke may suffer it, laye the playster to the sore. | ||||
52. To breake ye stone in the bladder. | ||||
Take the patients owne water, & put thereto the bloude of a goate of three | ||||
yeares olde, & mingle it well together, and give the patient to drinke, and it | ||||
will breake the stone, and hee shall avoyde* it. Take the bladder of ye goate | ||||
with the goates pisse in it, & put so much as the pisse is of the bloude of | ||||
the goate into the bladder, the goate must be three yeares olde, then take | ||||
that in the bladder, and give the patient to drinke, and hee shall avoyde | ||||
the stone in | ||||
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Transcribed by JM