The fifthe booke .fo.77. | ||||
Take of myrrhe*, of labbanum*, of each one dram, of storax*, calamine* | ||||
one scruple*, of masticke**, & of nutmegge, of each two drams: then make | ||||
a playster with brayeinge* those things that are to be brayed, & mixe | ||||
them with the gumme of an oake, & lay it on the closure of ye patients | ||||
heade, the heare being firste cut awaye with a rasor. | ||||
"15. For him that hath naturally a red face. | ||||
Take foure ounces of the kyrnells of peaches, & three ounces of gorde* | ||||
seedes, & make thereof an oyle, wherewith you shall anoynte his face | ||||
morninge & eveninge: this will kill & destroye all rednes. A thinge | ||||
founde true by experience." | ||||
16. For them that cannot keep theire meate | ||||
in theire stomacke, but doe still caste it. | ||||
Take the tender leaves of an ashe tree, & seeth them in strong vineger, | ||||
& then stampe* them & make thereof a playster which you must laye | ||||
upon the stomacke of the patiente, or on his bellye, and he shall bee | ||||
greatlye eased of his disease. | ||||
17. For one that cannot holde his water. | ||||
Take the small endes of oaken leaves, & put & seeth them in claret wine, | ||||
and then stampe them, and make a playster of them, and laye it upon | ||||
his yarde*, and shortelye he shall be cured. | ||||
18. A remedye agaynste deafenes. | ||||
If thy deafenes happen by accident, & not by nature, take the iuice of | ||||
coolewortes*, & mixe it with a litle warme water, & droppe thereof | ||||
hee | ||||
into his eares, and ⁁ shall finde greate ease and remedye. | ||||
"19. To make the face fayre. | ||||
Take blossomes of beanes, and distill* them, and washe thy face in that | ||||
water, and it will be fayre." | ||||
20. A remedye agaynste lice. | ||||
Take incense, & the larde of a barrowe hogge, called barrowes greace, | ||||
boyle them together in an earthen panne, & with this anoynte and | ||||
rubbe the place where the lice are. | ||||
"21. To take away wartes. | ||||
When you kill a pigge, take the hot bloude, & washe the wartes, & let | ||||
it drye on them:Then presentlye after wash them, & they shall be whole." | ||||
"22. To remedye baldenes of ye heade. | ||||
Take a quantitye of suthernewoode*, & put it upon kindled coales to burne, | ||||
and beinge made in powder, mixe it with oyle of radishes, & anoynte | ||||
the balde place, & you shall see greate experiences." | ||||
For one that | ||||
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Transcribed by JM