The fourth booke .fo 74. | ||||
Liber 4. | ||||
one nutmegge, & a pennyworth of saffron, & beate all these to fine pow- | ||||
der, & then seeth* it well, then put thereto sixe spoonefulls of vineger, & | ||||
3 id of white suger, & seeth it a litle:drinke thereof sixe spoonefulls every | ||||
morninge bloudewarme, & everye eveninge. Probatum est*. | ||||
119. A speciall medicine for the iaundise*. | ||||
Take a quarte of good ale, & seeth it upon the fire, & scumme* it cleane, & | ||||
then take |
it with a quantity of longe pepper, ginger, Englishe saffron, & turmericke, | ||||
& a curtesye* of treacle**, & a quantitye of honye, & seeth all these together | ||||
from a quarte unto a pinte: & then keepe it close in a cleane pot, and | ||||
drinke it laste at nighte, & first in the morninge bloude warme. | ||||
120. A soveraigne medicine for ye dropsye, or timpay[*]. | ||||
Take an handfull of fennell the reddest that can be gotten, an handfull of | ||||
sorrell, an handfull of hysop, an handfull of lande betanye*, an handfull of | ||||
hearbegrace*, & 5 leaves of hartes tongue, & a quarte of good stale ale, & | ||||
place it over the fire, and skymme it well, & then put the hearbes in, and | ||||
let them seeth together to the quantitye of a pinte, & then strayne them into | ||||
a fayre vessell, & give it to the sicke person to drinke somewhat warme, | ||||
eveninge & morninge, when he goeth to his bed, & when he riseth. | ||||
121. The newe sickenes. | ||||
Take endith, marygoldes, sowthistle, mercury, & nighteshade*, 3 handfull | ||||
of all, & seeth them in runninge water from a quarte unto a pinte, & then | ||||
strayne them through a linnen cloth, & put thereto vineger till it be some- | ||||
what tarte, & then take suger & put therein tyll it be somewhat sweete, & | ||||
then let the patient drinke it with a litle treacle, & it shall helpe by the | ||||
grace of God. | ||||
122. Pro membro secreto*. | ||||
Take a pottle of runninge water, a spoonefull or twoe of hony, an handfull | ||||
of mallowes, & two handfull of planten leaves, a greate handfull of fen- | ||||
kell, & a handfull of violet leaves, then wash these hearbes cleane, and put | ||||
them to this water, & let them seeth to a quarte, then strayne them with a | ||||
cloth, & keepe this water in a fayre glasse or a pot. For to minge* with | ||||
the same water: Take the challe* bone of a swine, & burne it to powder | ||||
with powder of burnte alome*. | ||||
123. For the same. | ||||
Agaynst swelling of the same, seeth betonye in wine & stampe it & plaister | ||||
wise laye it thereto. | ||||
124. For the eares. | ||||
Agaynst the payne in the eares mingle the iuice of betonye with oyle of roses, | ||||
& put it warme into the eares with a tente*, & stop them with wooll. Probatum est. | ||||
For the | ||||
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Transcribed by JM and CW