The fourth booke | ||||
113. For the payne in the backe. | ||||
Take an handfull of knotgrasse, an handfull of purcepurstarye called picke- | ||||
purse*, stampe** them & strayne them, & mixe with them three spoonefulls | ||||
of woman’s milke, three spoonefulls of sallet* oyle, three spoonefulls of rose | ||||
water, & anoynte your backe eveninge & morninge agaynste the fire. | ||||
114. For the winde collicke* in ye bellye. | ||||
Take a quarte of claret wine, three handfulls of fennell seedes, unset* | ||||
hysop a quantitye, boyle all those together unto a pinte, and let ye patient | ||||
drinke it morninge and eveninge. Probatum est*. | ||||
115. An outwarde medicine for ye same. | ||||
Take maniplum, rose leaves, an handfull of camomyll, commyn seedes, | ||||
coriander seedes, a pinte of malmesye*, & seeth all these well together, | ||||
make all these into two bagges quilted flat, and laye it hot to ye patient’s | ||||
bellye. Probatum est. | ||||
116. For an ache. | ||||
Take twelve yonge swallowes quicke*, an handfull of lavender spicke, | ||||
an handfull of lavender cotten, an handfull of rosemarye, an handfull of | ||||
mallowes, & an handfull of strawberry leaves with the stringes, braye* | ||||
all these together in a morter by the space of 5 houres, untill you may | ||||
perceive neyther bone, feather, nor hearbe, & by that time it will be dry, | ||||
then put so much Maye butter* to it that you may make it so supple that | ||||
you make it in forme of rounde balls, then lay them in a celler upon the | ||||
grounde in a danke place the spce of nine dayes untill they be hoarye*, | ||||
then take them as they bee, & put them in a little earthen panne untill | ||||
they be molten, & if they be any thing dry, put a little May butter to them | ||||
to mollifye, then take it of immediatelye as it is molten, & put halfe a | ||||
pinte of sallet oyle to it: & so done, use it for medicine. Probatum est*. | ||||
117. For the greene sickenes*. | ||||
Take a pottle* of white wine, three handfulls of wild time, as much | ||||
of garden time, three roots of fennell, three rootes of parslye, & pull out ye | ||||
inwarde pilles*, & fowre braunches of rosemarye, & seeth** them all toge- | ||||
ther from a pottle to a quarte, & let the patient every morninge nexte | ||||
her hearte drinke a draughte of it bloudewarme, with ginger & suger: | ||||
& let her refrayne from fruite, & all those thinges that may encrease | ||||
this disease: & by the grace of God shee shall have ease. Probatum est. | ||||
118. A medicine for heate in ye stomacke, and | ||||
overhastye digestion. | ||||
Take rosemarye, time, hysop, mintes, marioram*, & dandalion, of eache | ||||
an handfull, & seeth them in a quarte of runninge water to a pinte & a | ||||
halfe, then strayne the hearbes from the licor, & set the licor on ye fire | ||||
agayne, & put thereto of mace 2 id, of cynamon 2 id, of ganningall*j id, | ||||
one nutmegge, | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JM and CW