The fourthe booke .fo.73. | ||||
Liber 4. | ||||
Take a pinte of fayre water, a pennyworth of annys seedes*, id of licoras, | ||||
id waighte of suger candye, & bruise the annis seedes & licoras together,and | ||||
seeth it from a pinte to half a pinte, take allso a parsely roote, & a fennell | ||||
roote, a branch of rosemarye, a borage leafe, & seeth all those from a pinte | ||||
to half a pinte, then strayne it & drinke of it eveninge and morninge. | ||||
104. For the same disease | ||||
Take halfe a pinte of milke & seeth it, & when it seeths up, put in a spoonefull | ||||
of vineger, then stirre the milke & the vineger together, & then take of the curd | ||||
as cleane as you can, & then drinke it with a little suger. | ||||
105. A gargle to kill the heate in ye mouth approved. | ||||
Firste take a quarte of newe milke, & planten leaves, synkefoyle*, willow leaves, | ||||
one handfull of them all, twoe galls*, & as much in quantity of pomegranet | ||||
pylles* as the galls come to with all, take a little branne & tye in a linen cloth, | ||||
& as much sanders as the branne comes to, all these to be boyled together tyll | ||||
the third parte be consumed: & then gargle the mouth once or twice in an | ||||
howre, but you muste have it somewhat warme. | ||||
106. For tooth ache | ||||
Take the roote & leaves of chickeweede and boyle them in water, with wch | ||||
you shall washe your mouth, and holde it in your mouth for a pretye space, & | ||||
it will take away the payne. | ||||
107. Dregge*. | ||||
Lycoris, annis seedes, suger candye, the powder of betanye, & penyroyall* | ||||
108. For the collicke* and stone. | ||||
Take greene wallnuts of the tree when they waxe towardes ripenes or | ||||
afore, & bruise them in a mortar, then still* them, & give the patient of this | ||||
water to drinke: if they be steeped in vineger before it be stilled, it is a | ||||
pretious remedye for the plague. | ||||
109. To staunch bleeding at the nose. | ||||
Take greate ciche peason*, & laye them on a tyle until they be drye, and | ||||
then make powder of them very fine, & put it in the patients nose. | ||||
110. To make a cleare voyce. | ||||
Take the flowers of an elder tree and drye them in the sunne, but let them | ||||
take no moysture nor wette, & then make powder of them, and drinke it | ||||
with white wine everye morninge fasteinge. | ||||
111. For the winde collicke in ye bellye. | ||||
Take a pinte of malmesy, or sacke*, and seeth a handfull of time with it on | ||||
the fire, & let the patient drinke of it: allso take aqua composita & drinke | ||||
of it, & it will cause you to break winde. | ||||
112. For an ache | ||||
Take oleum lumbricorum*, the oyle of eses, the eses are wormes that lye | ||||
above the earthe in the morninge or eveninge. | ||||
For ye payne | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JM and CW