The fourthe booke fo 71 | ||||
Liber 4 | ||||
liver, spleene, raynes, harte, & Side: allso he that useth it shall not bee | ||||
troubled with the scyatique gowte*, nor the crampe, and it is verye good | ||||
agaynst the plewrisye*, for it taketh awaye the effecte, & it dissolveth | ||||
grosse & thicke colerique humors within mans bodye, & it sendeth out | ||||
by the bellye & by urine all superfluous matter, it helpeth digestion, | ||||
& delivereth such as have taken poyson inwardlye from the perill of | ||||
deathe: and what needeth. | ||||
Addita | 82. A powder to conserve the sighte. | |||
Take betanye*, rewe, saxifrage, lovache**, anise seedes, cynamon, | ||||
eyebryghte, of each one handfull, cardamomum, ginger, fennell, petrose- | ||||
lyne*, hysop, organye, silex mountaine, of each one dram, galinga, one | ||||
ounce, suger, one ounce: Let a powder be made of these, & let it be taken con- | ||||
tinually with meate, & the sighte will be restored & kepte. This powder | ||||
was ordained by maister Geralde*: whose triall an olde man did prove, which | ||||
used spectacles twelve yeares, so that without them he could no see greate | ||||
letters: but after he had used this powder onely one forty dayes, he was free, | ||||
insomuch that all ye time of his life, he did see, & reade the least letter yt was | ||||
83.Docter francis* dyet artificiall for all such as have aches, | ||||
& griefes in their ioyntes & bones, though it were the pockes.* | ||||
In primis* take of the barke of gewacu j lb reue olexandrina 6 ʒ 0, liqueris j lb, | ||||
one apple of colloquintida*, the seedes being taken out, infuse all these together | ||||
in three pottles* of white wine, & three pottles of beere the space of one nighte, | ||||
then put the sayde drugges in an earthern pot well leaded within, & stoppe it | ||||
close that no ayre come in nor out, then boyle the sayde earthen pot in a greate | ||||
pot or kettle of water the space of 16 howres, then take it of, & let it coole, and | ||||
give the patient a pottle a day to drinke for the space of 16, 18, or 6 dayes, | ||||
which you will, or as neede requireth. Then for the dyet for 6 dayes nothing | ||||
to be eaten but bysket & a few reasons* of the sonne: but for the 16 or 18 dayes, the | ||||
first two dayes two ribbes of rosted mutton, & the last three dayes likewise all | ||||
the rest with bisket & reasons of the sonne this certayne. | ||||
84. To break the stone in nine dayes. | ||||
take an handfull of gromell*, & an handfull of saxifrage, & an handfull of per- | ||||
sely* breakestone**, an handfull of wilde time, stampe*** them & strayne them, & drinke | ||||
wine, or in [?posset], seaven times approvedlye helpeth & avoydeth ye stone. | ||||
85. A pretious water to use for the avoidance | ||||
of the stone | ||||
Take a gallon of milke of a red cowe, an handfull of persely,* an handfull of | ||||
wilde time, an handfull of gromell, & an handfull of saxifrage, & two radish | ||||
rootes, myxe all these one nighte, then distill them, & let the patient drinke | ||||
every morninge, fowre, five, or sixe spoonsfull helpeth approvedlye. | ||||
86. A pretious drinke after a purgation to bringe appetite. | ||||
Take a pinte of | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN