The fourthe booke. fo. 70. | ||||
Liber 4 | ||||
tallowe, of each like much by weighte, & seeth* them well together | ||||
untill that they be righte thicke, & make a playster thereof, & as hot | ||||
as the patient may suffer it, lay it to the sore, & remove it not by the | ||||
space of a nighte and a daye. | ||||
72. A pretious water for eyes, although yt a man had | ||||
bene blinde 7 yeares: his eyes not hurte but cleare. | ||||
Take Smallage*, rewe, verveine, egrimony, betayne, celidon, alias sal- | ||||
or eybrighte | endive, Scabias, aventes, howndestongue*[*], effrage, pimpernell, & sage | |||
distill all these hearbes together, with a little urine of a man childe, | ||||
and five graynes of frankencense, & drop a litle of this water | ||||
every nighte into the blinde mans eyes. | ||||
73. Oyle of baye. | ||||
Take bay berries, & breake them small in a morter, & meddle them with | ||||
good oyle ollyffe*, & set them over the fire, & let them seeth untill that the | ||||
scome waxeth greene, & when it is colde, strayne it through a cleane | ||||
clothe, and keepe it. | ||||
74. A good healeinge playster. | ||||
Take of bettayne, m. j. of verbayne, m. j. & of pympernell. m. j. and boyle | ||||
these three hearbes in a pottle* of white wine untill that it be wasted** | ||||
unto a quarte, & then take lb .j. of newe waxe, & put into ye aforsayde | ||||
liquor, & stirre them well together, & when that they are well sodden, | ||||
then strayne them through a stronge canvas bagge, & set it over ye fire | ||||
to boyle agayne, & when that it beginneth to boyle, then put thereto | ||||
of masticke . qa. di & as much of frankencense made into fine powder, | ||||
& let them boyle together untill that the wine be consumed, and then | ||||
put thereto lb di. Of turpentine, & allwayes be stirring with the sclyse*, | ||||
& then let it coole, & when that it is colde, make it in rowles, & keepe | ||||
it to thy use, for it is a greate healer, & if that the sore be hot, then | ||||
alaye it with white leade. | ||||
75. An oyntemente for all sores. | ||||
Take boares grease, & the leaves of lorell*[*] & bruise them, & then frye | ||||
them together, & strayne it through a canvas clothe & keepe it to | ||||
thy use, for it is good for all manner of bruises. | ||||
76. A pretious water for all manner of Sores on a mans | ||||
legges from the knees downwardes. | ||||
Take a gallon of tanne woose,* & doe it over the fire & let it boyle, untill yt | ||||
the third part be consumed, & skimme it cleane ever as it boyles, and | ||||
when that it is cleane, then take lb j. of the croppes of madder*[*] made | ||||
into powder, & of allome roche*. lb a half brent* & made into powder, & when | ||||
that the licor boyleth over the fire, put thereto the powder of ye madder | ||||
& allome, & let them boyle together the space that thou mayest say the | ||||
psalme Misere mei deus*: & then take it from the fire & strayne it | ||||
through a | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN