The fourthe booke. fo 69 | ||||
Liber 4. | ||||
59. An other. | ||||
Take henbane*, & stampe it in a morter, & laye it to the sore, & it shall | ||||
both clense the sore, & put awaye the deade fleshe. | ||||
60. For the sleepinge of the hands & feete, make this | ||||
oyntment, wch is called unguentum geniste*[*]. | ||||
Take the flowers of broome, & the leaves & flowers of woodbinde an. and | ||||
stampe* them with May butter**, & let them stande together a nyghte and a | ||||
day, & then set them on a panne over the fire, & skymme it well, and | ||||
keepe it in boxes, for it is good for that purpose. | ||||
61. A pretious playster agaynst many grievous, & | ||||
inordinate paynes, & agaynste the gowte. | ||||
Take.* lb.2.of perosin, lb j. of fayre waxe, lb.j. of white rosin, lb qa. of | ||||
pitche, lb.½ Of frankencense, lb qa.. of deyre* sewet, put all these in a pan, | ||||
& set it over the fire, & let them boyle together, & alwayes stirre them | ||||
untill that they be dissolved, & then strayne them through a strong canvas, | ||||
& then put thereto qa..j. & ½. Of good Saffron well powdered, & stirre them | ||||
all well together, & put thereto ℥. j. of cloves & mace an. well powdered | ||||
& stirre them well together, & put thereto a pottle of good claret wine, | ||||
& then let them boyle well together, & allwayes stirre them until that ye | ||||
wine be well consumed, & untill it be colde, & then anoynte your handes | ||||
with some good thinge, & make it up in rowles, & keepe it in leather to | ||||
thy use: this plaister will asswage ache in less then an howre, if it be | ||||
applied to the place plaisterwise upon leather. | ||||
62. An other spiced plaister | ||||
Take cere nove* .℥.8. resine perine. ℥4. resine.℥.2. colofonye ℥.2. gario- | ||||
philorum, macys, an. ℥.2. adops ceruine ℥.2. thuris, ℥.2. croci ℥.2. | ||||
dequocantur in vino rubeo & serva:,*. | ||||
63. A very good plaister to ripe a sore, | ||||
and to breake him. | ||||
Take galbanum* and dissolve it in vineger untill that it be softe, & laye | ||||
to the sore, and it will both ripe it, and breake it. | ||||
64. An other for ripeinge. | ||||
Take angletouches (that is earth wormes) with the knotts yf that you may | ||||
get them, or els such as you may get, & stampe* them with a little vineger, | ||||
& three or fowre yolkes of egges, & a litle honye, & meddle* them together, | ||||
& then warme them a litle, & applye to the sore as ofte as neede: & if thou | ||||
finde the sore stinkeinge, take m. j. of red coole* leaves, & boyle them in wa- | ||||
ter untill they be tender, so that you may drawe them through a cloth, but | ||||
neverthelesse you must broy* them after as small as may be, & with some | ||||
of the licor drawe them through a clothe, & wash the sore with some of yt | ||||
warmed, & then dry the wounde or sore with a linnen clothe, and doe so | ||||
often untill the stinke be gone, and laye to suche playster as is | ||||
conveniente for the sore. | ||||
A plaister | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN