The fourth booke | ||||
stone &drachm.j. enula campana &ounce.j. & ʒ.2. first take thine armoniake, galbanu,* | ||||
& appoponake*, & bruise them small, & lay them in strong vinager twoe | ||||
dayes & twoe nightes, & then seeth them in the sayd vinager untill that | ||||
the vinager be wasted, & then strayne them through a cloth, & then | ||||
melte thy waxe with thy oyle, & departe* it into equall partes, & med- | ||||
dle thy gummes that are strayned, with the one parte upon the fire, and | ||||
meddle the litarge* with the other parte of thy oyle & waxe, & boyle them | ||||
together untyll that thou see a smoke arise in the middle of the panne, and | ||||
then set it downe from the fire, & a litle & litle thereof into the other part | ||||
of thy gummes & oyle, & stirre them well together, & when that they are | ||||
well mingled together, then set them over the fire, & let them boyle well, | ||||
& allwayes looke it be stirred, & when that they have boyled a while, then | ||||
put in thy verdegres*, & after that a litle put in your mirrhe in powder, | ||||
& after that a litle put in thy sange dragon, well powdered, & after yt | ||||
a litle put in your powder of aristrologia*, & after that your elena cam- | ||||
pana, & after that the powder of your Shipmans Stone*, & at ye last your | ||||
frankencense well powdered, bdelium, & mummia nigra, & evermore be | ||||
well stirring of them, & assay* with a drop in cold water, yf it be tryable*[*], | ||||
& if it be, it is well, boyle it no more : if not, boyle it untill you find it so. | ||||
55. To make diaculum.* | ||||
Take lb.j. of litarge of leade, & lb.j. of Swines grease, lb.j. of Sheepes tallow,* | ||||
qa.2.of vitriall, qa.2. of Sall .j. of Swines bloud, but mans | ||||
bloud were better, j. pynte of oyle of roses, & powder thy litarge, & thy | ||||
vitriall together, & searse* them, & put all these into a brasse panne, & | ||||
boyle them, & stirre them well together & ever amonge cast in vineger, | ||||
untill thou hast cast in as much as thou wilt, & looke that thy Swines | ||||
bloud, or mans bloud be so drye, that thou mayst make it into powder, | ||||
this will serve to heale & drawe all sores, and to make them cleane | ||||
though that it were a moremall*. | ||||
56. To make an implaister called apostolicon*. | ||||
Take lb.di of fine vineger, & put thereto of Ship pitch.℥.di. Galbanum* | ||||
℥.di. Serapinum: ℥.di armoniac.℥.di. appoponac. ℥.di. & put thereto. ℥.3. | ||||
of cleane waxe, & if that it be made in Summer, but if you make it in | ||||
winter, put thereto but ℥.2. of cleane waxe, & then set all these thinges | ||||
upon the fire, & when that they are cleane molten, let fall a drop there- | ||||
of into cleane water, & assay with thy finger if it will cleane & be toughe, | ||||
& chaunge colour from Sownde white* into gawde white*, & then set it downe | ||||
from the fire, & put to it ℥.di. of perosin, & meddle then well together | ||||
in colde water, & set it besides the fire, & then anoynte thy handes with | ||||
oyle de bay, & labour it well betweene thy handes untill that ye water | ||||
be out, & make it in rowles, & keep it to thy use. | ||||
57. For dead fleshe. | ||||
Take the greene wallnuts, salte, & blacke sope . an. & beate them together, | ||||
and laye it to the sore. | ||||
58. An other. | ||||
take the kernells of wallnuts, Salte, & sope, & beate them all together, | ||||
and laye it to the sore. | ||||
An other. | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN