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Page 131, The Oath of Allegiance

The Oath of
This is taken standing I. A.B. doe truely & sincerely acknowledge profess testify &
declare in my conscience before God & the world That our Sovereign
Lord King Charles the second is lawfull King of this Realme & of a[ll]
other his Matis Dominions & Countries; And that the Pope neither of
himselfe nor by any authority of the Church or See of Rome o[r]
by any other meanes with other hath any power or authority to de
-pose the King or to dispose any of his Matis Kingdomes, or Dominions
or to authorise any forreigne Prince to Invade or annoy him or
his Countries, or to discharge any of his Subjects of their Allegiance
& obedience to his Matie, or to give licence or leave to any of
them to beare armes, raise tumults, or to offer any violence or ha[rm]
to his Matis Royal person, State or Government, or to any of his M[atis]
Subjects wthin his Matis Dominions. Also I doe sweare from my heart th[at]
notwthstanding any declaration or sentence of excommunication or depra[va-]
-tion made or granted or to bee made or granted by the Pope or his Sub[jects]
or any absolution of ye sd subjects or by any authority derived or pretended to bee derived from him or [his]
from their obedience, I will beare See against the sd King his heires or Successors * & him & them will de[fend]
faith & true allegiance to his Matie to the utmost of my Power against all conspiracies & attempts. [???]
his heires & Successors wch shall bee made against his or their psons their Crowne & [???]
by reason or colour of any such sentence or declaration or other [???]
& will doe my best endeavour to disclose & make knowne to hi[m?]
his heires & Successors all treasons & traiterous conspiracies wch I sh[???]
or heare of to bee against him or any of them. And I doe further sw[eare]
that I doe from my heart abhorre detest & abjure as Impious an[d]
hereticall this damnable doctrine & position That Princes when they
bee excommunicated or deprived by the Pope may bee deposed or mur
-thered* by their subjects or any other wtsoever. And I doe beleeve & in
conscience am resolved that neither the Pope nor any pson wtsoever [hath]
power to absolve me of this oath or any part therof wch I ackno[wledge]
good & lawfull authority to bee lawfully administred unto mee, [de]
-nounce all pardons & dispensations to the contrary. And all these [???]
doe plainly & sincerely acknowledge & sweare according to the [???]
words by mee spoken & according to ye plaine & comon sence & [use]
evas[ion or]
of ye same words wthout any equivocation, or mentall reser{vation]
reservation wtsoever. And I doe make this recognition & a[cknowledge]
heartily willingly & truely, upon ye true faith of a Christian
So helpe mee God

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Transcribed by YR and KW